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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Awesome that you joined! Indeed, the IF statements are for two reasons: If the coefficient is 0, the FOV part of the formula changes since you can't divide by 0. The product of the zoom sensitivities (GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityAll * GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivity#x##) has a lower limit of 0.1 and an upper limit of 3. This is a little counter-intuitive by the way, since they suddenly stop working. And it threw me off in the beginning. Other than that, the formula is the base hipfire sensitivity, divided by the zoom sensitivities, then multiplied by the ratio between the base (configured) FOV and the aim FOV, where both FOV's are adjusted with the coefficient multiplied by an aspect ratio modifier. What I have to "reverse engineer" now is the exact FOV of all the different aims. And I'll tell you, the sway makes it very tedious If there is a list of what they are anywhere, that would be of great help! I also need to reverse the formula, so any value can be calculated based on the other three values and a specific distance (counts). This is exactly what I'm aiming to explain in this video: And USA really does the job, with a lot of options!
  2. Then your first post about this is correct To sum up: Match 1% hipfire from csgo to bf1, then set coeff to 0.017778 and it will be the same as zoom sens 0.818975 in csgo.
  3. Actually it depends on what you matched the hipfire sensitivity to. 360 distance, monitor distance 1%, 75%?
  4. Yeah, scratch this, my brain was on fumes last night! Coeff 1.333333 makes zoomall act exactly like csgo zoom sensitivity.
  5. Actually let me get back to you on this, as I might have used the wrong numbers.
  6. 0.017778 in BF1 is the same as zoom sensitivity 1 in csgo at 75% monitor distance. To match 0.81 you need to adjust the zoomall to 0.81 also Or set it to 0.818975 (it's the same as csgo zoom sens if the coeff is set to 0.017778 as you can see).
  8. The formula can (and will) be shortened btw, this is the full length of it
  9. Updated the original post to include the variable names from the file, and colored them.
  10. Got the formula correct now! Excel version: IF(COEFF=0;(((VAR1/(SENS+VAR1))*VAR2)/( IF(ZOOMSENS*ZOOMSENSALL>3;3;IF(ZOOMSENS*ZOOMSENSALL<0,1;0,1;ZOOMSENS*ZOOMSENSALL)))*(TAN(RADIANS(FOVBASE)/2)))/(TAN(RADIANS(FOVAIM)/2));(((VAR1/(SENS+VAR1))*VAR2)/(IF(ZOOMSENS*ZOOMSENSALL>3;3;IF(ZOOMSENS*ZOOMSENSALL<0,1;0,1;ZOOMSENS*ZOOMSENSALL)))*ATAN(VAR3*COEFF*(TAN(RADIANS(FOVBASE)/2)))/(ATAN(VAR3*COEFF*(TAN(RADIANS(FOVAIM)/2)))))) COEFF = GstInput.UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient SENS = GstInput.MouseSensitivity ZOOMSENSALL = GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityAll ZOOMSENS = GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivity2x00 (etc) FOVBASE = The main FOV setting FOVAIM = The FOV of the aim you are using, based on FOVBASE if ADS Field of View is on VAR1, 2 and 3 = Reverse engineered values
  11. Having some issues with my hosting company, so can't add it right now. But it is exactly like the first Titanfall. They even brought along the bug that sensitivity below 1 always result in 1!
  12. I posted the formula originally, but found an error with zoom sensitivities below 1. Will post when fixed
  13. Ok, I finally nailed the formula, now I need to reverse it and adjust it for each scope.
  14. This game uses the same sensitivity as the previous one. View full update
  15. Unfortunately I have been away the last few days and have not had the time to read all in here, but I'll go through the posts the next days. In the mean time I can report that I'm currently analyzing BF1, and the biggest challenge is the USA coefficient, as it does not affect the sensitivity directly as a multiplier. It's the same as in BF4 as far as I can tell, but I never got to fully analyze that.
  16. Base sensitivity for hipfire is definitely the same as BF4. I will add scopes, in-game sensitivity and full support for all the USA options.
  17. Hi! You had two subscriptions running, I have canceled one for you and refunded the duplicated ones This has happened a few times, but I'm not quite sure how this happens. I don't (obviously) have the power to create subscriptions on behalf of others, so there must be some issue with Paypal. Anyway, taken care of!
  18. Thank you, added! Changed all weapons to Longshot to find one easier
  19. Gears of War 4 is added!!
  20. Couldn't access the sniper for zoom calculation, how do I do it?!
  21. Finally added! Make sure to read the notes regarding polling rate! View full update
  22. DPI Wizard

    Gears of War 4

    Finally added! Make sure to read the notes regarding polling rate!
  23. No, this is correct. The sensitivity for turning 360 degrees is unaffected by FOV, but when you choose monitor distance, you are no longer matching a 360 turn. You are matching the movement to the percentage you select, and how far this is depends on the FOV.
  24. Is this just a PS4 change? PC version seems identical.
  25. Thanks for the heads-up, will re-analyze!
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