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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Hi! Do you still have the problem? Is it the same issue with other browsers?
  2. The FOV Type is just how you input the FOV, the calculated config and actual FOV is what matters.
  3. It rounds the multiplier to the nearest "some" number it seems. FOV Multi Actual FOV 70 1 70 75 1.06875 74.8125 80 1.1375 79.625 90 1.275 89.25 And so on... Makes the monitor distance calculations a little bit off, but it shouldn't be too noticeable. EDIT: And it's the in-game slider that's inaccurate. The multiplier lines up with what I've tested.
  4. Done, see how that works for you
  5. The base sensitivity is still the same, but the curves give you some additional control. It will be hard to incorporate the curves into the calculator though...
  6. Is it far off, or might it just be a FOV issue (meaning just a little off)? I will check it!
  7. Correct, since the FOV does not affect the 360 distance, the 1:1 in sensitivity match at % gets higher as you increase FOV.
  8. PS, If you set the slider or value in the config file below 1, it will just default to 1. Anyway, scopes added now! They all match at 0% (you can't change this since there's only one slider). That means that if you set the zoomed sensitivity and the hipfire sensitivity to the same value, they match at 0%.
  9. Working on this now!
  10. Enter 800 as DPI for the game, and it should work
  11. Downloading the new update now!
  12. And it's added!
  13. Take a backup of the file before you begin! If you mess up you can always delete the file and it will be re-created when you start the game, but all the settings in it are lost. The sensitivity for this game is in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Subnautica\options.bin (default location). This is not a regular text file, but a file in HEX format. To edit the sensitivity in HEX format, you first need a HEX editor. Notepad++ (version 6.8.X, not out for 7 yet) has a HEX editor plugin that's free, and a paid option is UltraEdit. To install the plugin in Notepad++, go to Plugins -> Plugin Manger -> Show Plugin Manger, scroll down to "Hex-Editor", check the box and click install. Once installed, open the file, and press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-H to switch to HEX mode. If you're unfamiliar with the hexadecimal system, it goes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f. Uppercase or lowercase letters are irrelevant, they have the same value. UltraEdit will show the cursor position in HEX format, but Notepad++ will not, it will show the line and column. The position of the sensitivity might change, but it always comes one space after "Input/MouseSensitivity". In UltraEdit, the position for the sensitivity in this example is byte 1d, 1e, 1f and 20: In Notepad++ you can see the line number in HEX on the left, but not the position in HEX. So the sensitivity is in this example on line 2 column 14, 15, 16 and line 3 column 1:
  14. Subnautica is added with both in-game and file (HEX) based sensitivity.
  15. DPI Wizard


    Subnautica is added with both in-game and file (HEX) based sensitivity.
  16. The calculations for this game is working as intended, but it has a very narrow sensitivity range. The lowest you can go when compared to Overwatch is 10.10, which is not very low... anything lower will not work and result in a DPI suggestion. You will in other words be pretty close if you set the sensitivity to 0 in Space Hulk.
  17. The calculations for this game is working as intended, but it has a very narrow sensitivity range. The lowest you can go when compared to CSGO is 3.030303, which is not very low... anything lower will not work and result in a DPI suggestion.
  18. The beta had a really narrow range of sensitivity, so this calculation is actually below 0, which is why it fails. But I think they might have changed things up in the release version, downloading it now and will update it if anything changed.
  19. It is requested a lot actually, and will be added very soon!
  20. See if you can buy a voucher for yourself here (choose any amount you'd like). You will get a code you can use at the checkout. Tell me if that doesn't work either.
  21. You should always enter the config FOV, but let me double check the PS2 calculations as I haven't played it in a while.
  22. Actually you can't use the monitor distance for this in its current state. In a game like CSGO you don't actually need to change sensitivity, as the extra FOV is just added on to the 4:3 base of 90. For games that don't work that way I probably have to do some changes, I'll see what I can do
  23. It's done! If you have the same FOV it doesn't matter which conversion method you use. What do you mean when you say it's off by a tiny bit? The FOV calculation, or the sensitivity? Or the discrepancy?
  24. Added aim sensitivity and updated the formula slightly. Don't have a scoped gun though, so haven't been able to add that yet.
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