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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Sorry, this one slipped by me, I'll add it soon.
  2. I will re-visit this game
  3. ACOG and Iron sight uses the same sensitivity numbers, but have a slightly different scaling. So you basically have to chose which one is most important to you.
  4. The sensitivities should not affect each other, but remember that aiming while holding down right mouse button is the "Targeting" sensitivity.
  5. Ok, the file is good then. That one value might be missing because you haven't turned USA on. Try to turn on USA in-game and see if it shows in the config file. It's explained down in the notes: Note that this is the Scaled Iron Sight, meaning the "Field of View Scaling in ADS" option is enabled. This calculation require the following settings: GstInput.MouseRawInput 1 GstInput.SoldierUniformAiming 1 GstRender.FieldOfViewScaleADS 1 In other words, if you have FOV Scaling on, use the scaled calculations, if it's off use the others.
  6. Looks correct, but the file is not in clear-text? Strange. Try to move it to another folder to back it up, and start the game. See if the file is re-created readable. PS: This will reset all your settings! But you should be able to put the file back to get the settings restored. Click "More reply options" to get full editor with upload capabilities
  7. What files do you have in the folder %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Battlefield 4\settings?
  8. Yeah, as KandiVan mentions above, the hipfire FOV is so different between those two games that it will feel slow when you match viewspeed and compare the 360 distance. When not aiming, having the muscle memory to quickly turn 180 degrees might be more important than aiming for something. I would suggest for PUBG that you try to match hipfire to 360 distance, and targeting (and all other scopes etc) to viewspeed.
  9. Make sure you edit the right file, PROFSAVE_profile. There's a file there with a similar name that is not in clear-text.
  10. It was a script I had on the right mouse button that messed it up.
  11. Are you comparing BF1 to 1st or 3rd person view in Battlefields? Remember that 3rd person can be perceived differently, even though the actual movement is the same.
  12. So there's a few different ways to convert sensitivity. The first one is 360 distance, i.e. how far you have to move your mouse to turn 360 degrees. Your Rainbow Six settings equals a 360 distance of 39.7592 cm. If you want the same 360 distance in CSGO, that would be sensitivity "1.742308". Try that first. If that feels good, try zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.954171" for the zoom sensitivity.
  13. Copy it in here like you did with the csgo one. It's called GameSettings.ini and is located in the folder with a long name under %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six - Siege\ You don't need to post the whole file, just the values in the [iNPUT] section.
  14. Show me your Rainbow Six config file.
  15. Edit these two: sensitivity "1.538635" zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1.518333"
  16. Make sure you go to the folder Drimzi said, the one I referred to is old. So it should be something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[uSERID]\730\local\cfg Where [uSERID] is the unique userid number for your account. In that folder you have config.cfg which is the one you should edit.
  17. Use Viewspeed, converting 360 distance between different FOV's / scopes doesn't make much sense
  18. Use Viewspeed (recommended) or Monitor Distance instead of 360 Distance for all conversions, and it should come out the same
  19. Verified it now, changed the FOV as it is locked in vehicles.
  20. Seems like there was a bug with the vehicle sensitivity. Fixed it now, but not able to verify it just yet.
  21. For CS:GO: Config file: config.cfg Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg (the location of your Steam games). Or you can do it in-game if you have console enabled with command sensitivity for hipfire and zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse for zoom.
  22. Yes, change in the file.
  23. In Rainbow Six, your ACOG sensitivity and hipfire sensitivity does not match any conversion methods. ACOG is way too sensitive. So does both of them feel good for you, or do you mean hipfire specifically?
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