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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. There's a lot people in both camps I recon, some prefer dark and some prefer light. I'll see if I can make it work with a light theme as well
  2. DPI Wizard


    General There is now support for two input variables; sensitivity and coefficient. Coefficient is used in some games as a multiplier, and means that m_yaw can be added as a configurable variable in the future. Updated all error and input checking, so any invalid input should generate a message telling you how to fix it (adjust DPI, sensitivity etc). The FOV Type and FOV Base fields are merged to make the UI a little less cluttery. The game title in the Game Info section now links to the forum thread for the game. Fields for date added and updated added. The FOV field will now display the correct config command for updated games. Advanced Mode Cleaned up the output display of Advanced Mode to only display relevant information for updated games. Debug mode added for full output. Games updated Battlefield 4 CTE with Uniform Soldier Aiming added for Premium Members. More scopes will follow shortly!
  3. DPI Wizard


    General The FOV Type and FOV Base fields will now switch to the correct type of FOV for the selected game, regardless of calculator mode. You must also enter the FOV value in the same format. If you are using advanced mode you can enter the FOV in the what ever format you have selected. Please note that most games will still default to horizontal degrees with a 4:3 base until they have been updated. DayZ Standalone is the first game using this feature. Advanced Mode The FOV field will now update when you change FOV Type and FOV Base. FOV Base will be disabled when a vertical FOV type is selected. Games updated DayZ Standalone - New formula and is now affected by FOV. Default FOV type set to vertical radians.
  4. Everything except horses are available in the calculator. Note that Battlefield 1 is listed six times, depending on your settings and if you're on foot or in a vehicle. Use Viewspeed (or a Monitor Distance of your choice) as conversion method when you calculate. I'll look into adding the missing horse.
  5. cg_zoomsensitivity 0.799424 cg_zoomsensitivity 0.830876 Converting from Windows or Quake Live hipfire with your settings (both of you) yield the same result, so it's viewspeed all the way!
  6. I've done a lot of improvements on the machine (mounted it in a cradle, made it click on command) and have tested quite a bit on the Logitech G900, Zowie and Razer Mamba 16000, but been to busy to put together something publishable yet. Also, the Razer Mamba results had me so baffled I have spent a lot of time testing it... I think people will be very surprised! Will get to other mice after these are tested.
  7. Ok, will look at it tomorrow.
  8. It will probably take a few days at least, but I can do it manually for you in the meantime. If you tell me the numbers I'll do the math! Input: Game, aim, sensitivity, dpi, resolution, fov. Output for Quake: base sens, main fov and zoom fov.
  9. Fixed! There's quite a bit of default settings overwritten from the old forum. I've tried to go through most, but don't hesitate to notify me if I missed anything else.
  10. Yeah, the relation between hipfire and zoom sensitivity is too high. Are those your actual settings from Rainbow Six? Seems like hipfire is insanely sensitive.
  11. Where it says "Convert 360° Distance to" (for the game you are converting to) you can select Monitor Distance and Viewspeed as well. Viewspeed will match the relative movement on screen instead of 360 distance.
  12. Damn you, I saw the notification email and got all excited!
  13. You're not doing anything wrong, but the output for CS:GO's zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse is above 2. In other words it is above the maximum, and CS:GO will not let your set that high sensitivity for the scope. It looks like you have matched ACOG to hipfire in Rainbow Six using 360 Distance, this will result it the scope being way to sensitive. Try with Viewspeed for all calculations
  14. Use the Save/Load/Delete buttons under Calculator Settings The settings are currently stored in your local browser, but in the future I would like to save them in the userprofile on the server.
  15. I got calculations for this game ready, but need to make some changes to the code to support the variables.
  16. I'll try to make the fields a bit ligher. A background and logo is definitely needed, but especially on the logo part I probably need some pro help
  17. Thank you! It was quite the job, took me a couple of weeks preparation so could manage to do it in about 6 hours. There are still a couple of minor things I need to fix, but for the most part it's working fine now
  18. The whole site is now upgraded, and there's been a lot of changes in the background. Everything should work exactly like before, but do tell if something doesn't work correctly!
  19. I will most likely upgrade the forum this weekend, if I get everything ready in time. This is quite a big job as the only things converted automatically are forum posts, articles and members. The whole calculator and DPI Analyzer needs to be re-made to work on the new framework, along with a lot of other tweaks I've done. For those technically interested the upgrade also includes a change of hosting company (to Google Cloud), with a new server with CentOS 7, PHP 7.1 and mySQL 5.7 which should make everything quite a bit faster and definitely more secure. I've been working constantly on this for a couple of weeks now to make the upgrade a smooth as possible. This means that at some time this weekend the site goes down for up to twelve hours. It probably will not take more than 6 hours however, but something always comes up... There will be progress messages on the new framework once it's up in offline mode.
  20. Ok, try with Viewspeed instead, it should feel more natural. When you use 360 Distance it matches the movement from the center of your monitor to the edge. Monitor Distance matches the movement from the center of the monitor to the percentage you choose (so 100% is the same as 360 distance). With Viewspeed it matches the chord length, and converts to and from it based on the difference between it and the arc length.
  21. What conversion method did you use (360 distance, monitor distance, viewspeed)?
  22. Sorry, I missed this one. Updated now!
  23. I'm actually working on the zoom sensitivity for Quake Live now, it's a bit tricky though but it will come. Same with KF2 zoom, will do that at a later point. Now to your questions. First of all you should settle on a conversion method to use for all conversions. Currently you can choose 360 Distance, Monitor Distance and Viewspeed. 360 distance is really only good for views that have the same or very similar FOV. Monitor Distance give you a choice between 0% (center of the monitor) and 100% (edge of the monitor) where the movement should match. This gives you a persistent movement to that specific point regardless of FOV. Viewspeed is sort of an automatic monitor distance and the recommended conversion to use unless you have specific needs. Ideally you should use one and only one game and setting as the base for all your calculations. But some might prefer snipers to be very slow etc, so in that case use two. Using your numbers and calculating hipfire and zoom independently, CS:GO should look like this (using Viewspeed): CS:GO Sensitivity: 0.681155 CS:GO FOV: 90 (scaled up to 106.26 in 16:9) CS:GO Zoomed Sensitivity: 0.634431 If using Viewspeed for everything (including Overwatch zoom) it will look like this: Relative Zoom in Overwatch: 46 CS:GO Sensitivity: 0.681155 CS:GO Zoomed Sensitivity: 0.978753 This last one will make the snipers a lot more sensitivity, so if it feels wrong, go with the first one.
  24. Post a screenshot like I did, and tell me what feels too slow/too fast.
  25. Ok, the viewmodel settings only affect the placement of your gun on the screen, not the actual FOV. But since you play stretched, here's what you got to do: Leave the resolution at your native monitor resolution. Select the FOV Type "Horizontal Deg. | Res. Base" and enter 90. By doing this you're basically tricking the calculator to accept a 90 FOV on a 16:9 monitor (which is what you are playing). Try this and the Viewspeed conversion
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