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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Last time I checked it was still not good. But they managed to do good in Prey, so I'll check again!
  2. This is true, but at the moment the calculator does not account for this. Meaning that when converting i.e. 100% Monitor Distance from Windows 16:9 to CSGO 4:3, it matches the movement to the edge of both aspect ratios, and not 75% of 16:9 to 100% of 4:3 (which would be correct in this case). So it assumes you have a 16:9 monitor and a 4:3 monitor, and want to match the movement to the edge of the monitor. The problem is that a lot of people play with 4:3 stretched (which makes the current calculator correct)... Looking to fix this in an upcoming update!
  3. That's a great offer. Let me get through what I have now, and I'll get back to you.
  4. I think Drimzi (correct me if I'm wrong) is using a little trick on the calculator. He is matching his Windows sensitivity to CSGO hipfire, but using the FOV of the scope he wants to match. He then uses this sensitivity to match the scope. The scopes have fixed FOV's in the calculator. As mentioned, calculations when changing FOV in CSGO needs to be verified in the calculator. I'll give you a heads up when it's done.
  5. In short, you should have one aim you use as a base for every game you play. Say you have a sensitivity in CSGO you are comfortable with, use this for all conversions. When converting to a game you can choose between three methods: 360 Distance - Directly converts the distance needed to move the mouse to turn 360 degrees between the two games/aims. This only makes sense in the FOV is very close. Monitor Distance - Matches the movement to a certain point on the monitor between the two aims. If the FOV is different, you can only perfectly match to one specific point. Viewspeed - Think of this as an automatic Monitor Distance method, where the chord length is used as a constant. This usually falls in the 60-70% Monitor Distance range, and I would suggest trying this method first. Also check out these two videos. They are of the old version of the calculator, but other than the new conversion method Viewspeed they are still valid. And incidentally shows an example on how to convert between the three games you play
  6. You got two choices under Aim, Hipfire (Config File) and Hipfire (In-game)
  7. I'll add support for this soon.
  8. DPI Wizard


    Prey is added, both with in-game and config file calculations.
  9. Prey is added, both with in-game and config file calculations. View full update
  10. Should be fixed now, thanks for the feedback
  11. Ok, I think I found the error. Will restart the server tonight, so try again tomorrow
  12. I had the same issue, try to reboot your phone. The phone cached the old certificate, and didn't trust the new one.
  13. Adding Prey tonight! (Unless there's issues with it)
  14. CSGO have some issues with sensitivity FOV scaling (meaning it doesn't scale like other Source games). Since it requires cheat enabled to change, I haven't looked much into it, but I'll do it later today
  15. DPI Wizard


    Games added Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Reflex
  16. DPI Wizard


    Game added Far Cry 4
  17. DPI Wizard


    Game added Depth
  18. DPI Wizard


    Games added Unreal Tournament '99 Borderlands Pre-Sequel
  19. DPI Wizard


    Game added Survarium Game updated Battlefield 4 Uniform Soldier Aiming - Added all scopes. Game removed Battlefield 4 CTE - Removed since the last release of Battlefield 4 includes USA.
  20. DPI Wizard


    Game updated Added Uniform Soldier Aiming for Battlefield 4
  21. DPI Wizard


    Games added Unreal Tournament 4 Face of Mankind
  22. DPI Wizard


    Game added Strike Vector
  23. DPI Wizard


    Games added Shadow Warrior Nosgoth
  24. DPI Wizard


    Game added Quake 3 Arena Mod - For Quake 3 mods that change how FOV affects sensitivity. Game updated Quake 3 Arena - Updated FOV base.
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