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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Good news, it's finally fixed.. to some degree. Turn off V-Sync, and the sensitivity is stable and calculations spot on.
  2. DPI Wizard

    Dishonored 2

    Dishonored 2 is finally fixed and added, but note that V-Sync must be OFF!
  3. Dishonored 2 is finally fixed and added, but note that V-Sync must be OFF! View full update
  4. The coefficient is exactly the same as monitor distance in the calculator. I.e. you choose with the coefficient value where on the monitor you match the sensitivity. So 1.33 is the same as 75% in 16:9, and means that movement to 75% between the crosshair and the edge of the monitor is matched between scopes and aims. It is coming from 4:3 indeed, where 1.33 is the same as 100%. What you choose as a coefficient is more a personal preference however, there is no right or wrong.
  5. Islands of Nyne is added!
  6. Added with hipfire, ads and scope calculations for both in-game and config file settings.
  7. Added with hipfire, ads and scope calculations for both in-game and config file settings. View full update
  8. DPI Wizard


    Games added Islands of Nyne: Battle Royale Shotgun Farmers
  9. Updated it now!
  10. I'll start by saying I see all your points, and trust me, I've been back and forth on them all. The short answer is that yes, there will be a lifetime option available very soon. It's been requested by quite a few lately, so I see the need for it.
  11. 106.26 degrees for CSGO is a rounded value, the calculator uses the true un-rounded value for its calculations. Which is 106.260204708311957406288774881813178684816857198580884112 etc Edit: But I'm not sure that's the only reason here, I'll look more closely at it a bit later.
  12. Sounds like you have gone through most points of failure, strange issue. Was the old installation of Windows also 10? PS, you can measure DPI here too
  13. I actually started working on a version of monitor distance that took account for a part of your question. So if you i.e. replaced a 22" with a 30", the physical movement would be the same (that's why there's a monitor size for the output game as well). But ultimately I don't think this would make a lot of sense, as your muscle memory (in most cases) tunes more to what it can see than how physically big it is. As long as the aspect ratio is the same, you would have a feel for movement to the edge of the monitor, rather the physical distance there. When it comes to resolution on the same size monitor, it has quite a big impact in Windows since 1 DPI = 1 pixel. So on a 4k monitor you have to move your mouse twice as far with the same DPI as on a full HD one. But in games it has zero impact, as they only care about degrees and not resolution. I.e. X DPI = Y degrees of rotation.
  14. Sorry, I missed this one. Will check it out.
  15. True, it would probably just clutter up the results. Besides if you want to know what the distance for different degrees are, the math is not too hard
  16. A bit off-topic here, but do you think it would be useful to add 45°, 90°, 135°, and 180° conversions in addition to the 360° one? I feel like a lot of people want especially hipfire to be matched to a certain degree, so they have the muscle memory of a 90 or 180 degree flick for instance, and them for aims use Viewspeed.
  17. Make sure you use the Viewspeed conversion and not 360 Distance. This makes the on-screen movement matched instead of a full 360. Try that first, and make sure you select correct aims, resolution and FOV.
  18. Added! Sorry, but this game had too much mouse acceleration, can't be added in its current state.
  19. The mummified redneck is added!
  20. The mummified redneck is added! View full update
  21. DPI Wizard


    Game added Deceit Game unsupported Vanquish - The game unfortunately has some built in mouse acceleration making it impossible to add to the calculator.
  22. DPI Wizard


    Both in-game and config file calculations as well as FOV instructions are added.
  23. Both in-game and config file calculations as well as FOV instructions are added. View full update
  24. I have only analyzed iron sight and ACOG specifically, so any calculation is only verified for those two. And since they use the same settings, you basically have to choose which one to match your sensitivity for, and the other one will just have to follow.
  25. Yes, it's correct, and it accounts for the smaller FOV.
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