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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. 1024x768 stretched should be the same as 1920x1080 with FOV 73.74.
  2. DPI Wizard


    Game added Escape from Tarkov
  3. Just added! View full update
  4. So you have mouse smoothing on or off in AA?
  5. Then 400 is enough to avoid pixel skipping, but 800 will make it a tiny bit smoother.
  6. It's the value from "zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse", you can find it in the config file, or by typing the command in the console window
  7. I've got Black Squad ready in my Steam library
  8. Doubling the DPI and halving the sensitivity should result in the exact same sensitivity for this game. Have you tried the DPI Analyzer to see if your mouse is truly 400 and 800?
  9. Since ACOG and iron sight use the same sensitivity value you have to choose which one you would like to be calculated, and the other one will just have to follow that setting.
  10. Is cloud storage on? You could try turning if off all together.
  11. It's probably the cloud-saved file overwriting the local one. Do you get a question to keep local or cloud files when starting the game?
  12. Amazing work, I'll start looking at it soon!
  13. The game uses Hor+, which is the same as Horizontal Deg. | 4:3 base. This means that any resolution wider than 4:3 will expand the FOV rather than stretching the configured FOV. So when you have an FOV of e.g. 110, this is correct for 4:3. But when you use a 16:9 monitor additional FOV is added on
  14. Seems to be same for me, what settings are you having problems with?
  15. If you select "Horizontal Deg. | Res Base" for Aim Hero and enter 103, the calculations will show you the correct FOV to configure to achieve the same FOV as in Overwatch, which is 70.53
  16. Just check the game now, and the calculations are correct. But the graphic style does make the FOV look less extreme than it is.
  17. Check out these couple of videos. Note that Viewspeed is not covered, which is a conversion method you can use instead of Monitor Distance and 360 Distance.
  18. Check out these couple of videos. Note that Viewspeed is not covered, which is a conversion method you can use instead of Monitor Distance and 360 Distance.
  19. Mine is getting quite complex, but here's an example where shift+G1 makes the mouse jump 100 counts, while simply pressing G1 makes it go 100 counts in 1 count steps: function OnEvent(event, arg) if (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1) and GetMKeyState() == 1 then if (IsModifierPressed("shift")) then MoveMouseRelative(100,0) else for i = 0, 99 do MoveMouseRelative(1,0) Sleep(10) end end end end
  20. I use Logitech LUA scripting
  21. You need to find the 360 distance in counts, and then how many counts your scope covers (monitor edge-to-edge, not just he actual scope). The principle is easy, but it can be hard to do precisely.
  22. As the game is in development, stuff probably changes quite often. I'll revisit it an see what I can find out
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