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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. I edit the files under %LOCALAPPDATA%\FortniteGame\Saved\Config\WindowsClient, no need to make them read-only for me at least.
  2. Thanks, updated the info on the game to include this. Doing this changes the FOV from 80 degrees horizontal to 80 degrees vertical. The sensitivity (360 distance) is actually not affected by this, so I've updated the formula as well. If you do this change, make sure you set the FOV to 80 Vertical Degrees in the calculator.
  3. Have you compared the cm/360 to another game like CSGO? The base sensitivity for Fortnite is exactly the same as UT4, but it sound like you are experiencing (negative) acceleration or smoothing for some reason.
  4. Strange, did you set the sensitivity in the config file or in-game? My file is not getting overwritten when I disable the acceleration, weird that yours is. Regarding FOV, I would like to know how @BMR_ changed it as well. I know the FOV affects the sensitivity, because you basically change FOV when you right click to aim. But I've tried most UT4 methods of changing it to no avail.
  5. Sorry about that, try now.
  6. DPI Wizard


    Game added Fortnite
  7. Updated with new sensitivity formula, scoping and targeting sensitivity. Acceleration issues are fixed!
  8. Working on this now!
  9. Try the different settings in CSGO and see which one feels more comfortable. Once you know what feels best for you, stick with this for all conversions. WPS 4/11 is ok.
  10. Try with Viewspeed and see if that feel right. If it feels too sensitive try Monitor Distance @ 100%, if it feels too slow try something between 0% and 25%.
  11. Check out this video, it explains Monitor Distance. Viewspeed is almost the same, but more dynamic.
  12. DPI Wizard


    Game added Gigantic
  13. DPI Wizard


    Just added!
  14. Just added! View full update
  15. I have tried to analyze this before, but it have some acceleration issues. Do you know if it's been updated lately?
  16. Use hipfire as source for all conversions. Using Widowmaker for the scopes will in give you virtually the same result if you match at 0% Monitor Distance. When it comes to Viewspeed vs Monitor Distance it is down to personal preference. But considering your Overwatch Widowmaker sensitivity of 38, 0% Monitor Distance is used. With Viewspeed it would be 45 instead, so if 38 feels right for you Viewspeed might feel too sensitive.
  17. With those settings in Overwatch, you are doing an equivalent to 0% Monitor Match. So plug in all your numbers for Overwatch hipfire, select convert to Monitor Distance and 0% match, then go through each aim and scope for PUBG. PUBG calculations will be a bit better when they release the next version with an FOV slider. Note that 3rd person views will to some degree always feel different than 1st person, even though the sensitivity is the same. Targeting is holding right mouse button, so it's basically the same as hipfire but with a locked view. Scoping is pretty close to 1.25x
  18. I've been looking at Black Desert Online, at it seems a bit tricky to add. The combination of all the different view distances combined with the adjustable FOV makes a sensible calculation very hard to do. In addition it has some negative acceleration.
  19. 90 for Overwatch.
  20. You can see it in the output of the calculator (Actual HFOV) If you want the same FOV, set ARK to 1.144444.
  21. Yes, you are doing it correctly. The scoping sensitivity will in your screenshot match 0% monitor distance with hipfire. You can not directly compare the sensitivity values
  22. In CS:GO you need both values (Sensitivity 1 and Multiplier 1) to calculate the zoom sensitivity, in PUBG you only need Sensitivity 1 for the zooms (which is being calculated for you).
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