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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Thanks for the info, found a little bug in the FOV calculations. Should work perfectly now
  2. Are you playing with black bars or stretched?
  3. Ah, it bugs out when you haven't selected an output game, fixing this in the next version
  4. Exactly what values are you putting in?
  5. The calculations are correct (basically the same sensitivity as Unreal Tournament 4), but the game has some issues at the moment. We'll just have to wait for them to fix it.
  6. What values are you using? Still seems spot on here after the last patch.
  7. You do not need to tweak anything, the only output that will the wrong is the ratio calculation if you use Monitor Distance. But this value is not used in any conversion.
  8. Added with the in-game sensitivity!
  9. DPI Wizard


    General Upgraded forum Fixed some layout issues on low resolutions Game added The Forest
  10. DPI Wizard

    The Forest

    Just added! The lowest sensitivity supported is quite high, so you might have to adjust your DPI to get the desired sensitivity.
  11. Just added! The lowest sensitivity supported is quite high, so you might have to adjust your DPI to get the desired sensitivity. View full update
  12. Updated and verified everything now (with the exception of 15x, I'm going by the datamined 12x on it). A few notes: I've updated the FOV to 80, which is most likely correct. The issue with measuring it is that the 1st person view is not actually 1st person. The camera is still slightly behind the pivot point. This is also true for the scopes! FOV for scoping is 70, and all scopes are based on this with their multipliers. If you set all the sensitivities to the same value, it is the same as 100% monitor match.
  13. The scope multiplier is not applied to the hipfire FOV, but the ADS FOV which is about 68.8. I'll update the 2x, 8x and 15x now, and go through them again next patch.
  14. What mouse do you have, and what is the result if you try the DPI Analyzer?
  15. Thanks for the data! They must have changed something then, because 8X I tested quite a bit early on. 360° with default sensitivity (0.02) was 74060 counts, or exactly 8x the counts of ADS (9257.5). I think I'll wait for the patch next week to update anything however, as a lot might change
  16. Like this example converting 55 vertical degrees and resolution 1920x1080 to HFOV: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=radian*2*atan((tan(55degrees%2F2))%2F(1080%2F1920)) For Excel it would be (if converting vertical degrees to horizontal degrees): =DEGREES(2*ATAN(TAN((RADIANS(55)/2))/(1080/1920)))
  17. This is normal between the human error and actual DPI of your mouse (setting it to i.e. 400 can be anything from 360 to 440 depending in your mouse). The important thing is that when you convert between games the sensitivity will stay the same, even though the calculated distance might be a bit off due to DPI variances etc.
  18. Yes, since 100% Monitor Match is the same as dividing the FOV's, it adds up like that. The 2x scope is a bit weird, as the FOV and 360 distance don't add up the same way as the others, 360 distance is 1.8 while the FOV is about 1.81. I will go through everything next week though.
  19. This is the correct way of doing it (like Battlefield 1 and 4 does it), but PUBG is actually applying the magnification directly to the FOV, so a 4x magnification is simply a 4th of the 1x FOV. This is technically the wrong way of doing it though.
  20. That would give a good estimation at least. Add in a holo/red dot in the same screenshot also if you can. Ideally I need to check the exact 360 distance, and how wide the FOV is in pixels.
  21. There is (or was at least) a slight mismatch in the game actually, the 360 distance is exactly 1.8 times, while the FOV is a little bit higher. I've also done some rounding of the values which I'll fix in the next update so they match up better.
  22. I will re-test everything when the monthly patch is released with an FOV slider next week, some values might have changes since I did the calculations. Also, if anyone have access to a custom server that I can use, it would be extremely helpful. I'll apply as soon as they are open for applications, but who knows if I'll get one. Getting my hands on a 15x scope and having time to analyze accurately it in a real game is not very easy!
  23. Added a "Default (Console)" option in the aim selection
  24. Are you using Monitor Distance or Viewspeed when converting? If you use 360 Distance it will be too fast for the scopes.
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