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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Smoothing and acceleration issues atm
  2. Yes, the FOV Type is related to how the game calculates FOV, and not your actual monitor
  3. No, the calculator automatically calculates the correct FOV for your resolution, you do not need to change the FOV, only make sure the resolution is correct.
  4. They're not scaled like that in PUBG. 2X = 80/1.8 = 44.44 4X = 80/4 = 20 8X = 80/7.25 =11.03 15X = 80/12 = 6.67
  5. Yes, or a Monitor Distance you feel comfortable with (Viewspeed is about 70% Monitor Distance).
  6. If you're getting 1.71x you are comparing it to FOV 76, the base is 80 which result in 1.8x magnification.
  7. All scopes were changed in fact. They used to be based on 70 FOV (so the 4X scope was 70/20 = 17.5), they are now all based on 80. So the 4X is now 20 instead.
  8. 1. Correct, the scope FOV's are fixed. 2. Hipfire FOV was listed as 76 before, but it was in fact 80. Due to the fact that 1st person isn't true 1st person, but actually 3rd person really close to the eye-position the measurement was hard to do. 3. Scoping is aiming down sight with red dot/holo scope (i.e. clicking right button).
  9. The FOV does not affect scopes, but as a general rule you should always enter your configured FOV. The calculator will handle it correctly. Currently you can set the FOV up to 179 in the config-file, above that it bugs out. Yes, FOV for everything except first person (including targeting) is hard-coded and not affected by the setting. You get different results because they scale differently
  10. Viewspeed is about the same as Monitor Distance 70%, and better to use than 360 distance.
  11. Updated with first person view calculations. Note that all scopes now have a different FOV as well.
  12. UPDATE: Added everything for both in-game and config file now. Adjusted formulas to be 100% accurate (some very small rounding errors may have happened earlier).
  13. Updated everything to the latest (test) patch now, except in-game calculations for 1st person views (coming later). A few notes: All scopes are changed, they were based on 70 FOV, they are now based on 80 FOV. Since 1st and 3rd person use the same sensitivity, you have to chose which one to calculate for. They will always match Monitor Distance 100% between each other, but 360 distance will be different. Changing FOV only affect 1st person normal and targeting, not any scopes. Setting sensitivity and FOV in the config file is recommended, as the values set in the menus are not accurate.
  14. I have tested that program, it does not work in-game as far as I know, just on the desktop. Unless you have to do some tricks, didn't play around much with it.
  15. I've seen it reported several places, so let's hope the devs do something about it!
  16. Ok, that seems correct. With 0.65 you should do a 360 in have 40 cm, which matches that mousepad if you subtract the width of the mouse. For PUBG you will have a much longer 360 distance if you match sensitivity using Viewspeed or Monitor Distance due to the difference in FOV. If you want the same 360 for hipfire, select 360 Distance instead of Monitor Distance.
  17. Too much mouse smoothing and acceleration in the game atm, resulting in a very unstable sensitivity. Unless someone finds a way to disable it, an accurate calculation is impossible to do. I know what the correct sensitivity formula for the game is, but it will not reflect the experienced sensitivity at the moment.
  18. How many cm is your 360 in CSGO with sensitivity 0.65?
  19. Yes, but only for CSGO, leave PUBG at 80
  20. Unless you're playing on a server with cheats enabled and have actually changed the FOV, change it to the default 90 in the calculator
  21. Sorry, that was just the code snippet, and not the entire script For keyboards this is the entire script: function OnEvent(event, arg) if (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1) and GetMKeyState() == 1 then for i = 0, 99 do MoveMouseRelative(10,0) Sleep(10) end end end And for a mouse, use this (assigning to button 5): function OnEvent(event, arg) if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 5) then for i = 0, 99 do MoveMouseRelative(10,0) Sleep(10) end end end The G keys on the mouse are targeted like this, and not with the G_PRESSED syntax.
  22. Tested it now, it's 52 HFOV, and scale like 100% Monitor Match.
  23. Hi mate! To emulate mouse movement I mainly use Logitech's scripting through their G-series LUA API. This can be used with any Logitech G series mouse or keyboard with G-keys. The script can be something like this: if (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1) and GetMKeyState() == 1 then for i = 0, 799 do MoveMouseRelative(10,0) Sleep(10) end end This will make the G1 button on the keyboard execute the code when also the M1 button is selected. The script will send 800 (0-799) packets to the operating system with a 10 ms delay between each. And each packet tells the OS to move the mouse 10 counts on the X+ axis (to the right). So in totalt the mouse will move 8000 counts to to right. I also use a Teensy USB board which can emulate a mouse. This is doing the exact same thing with a slightly different scripting language, but this device is emulating the mouse movement exactly like mouse hardware before sending it through the USB port, while the Logitech solution emulates it in software on the computer. In some cases using the Teensy might be advantageous because it fires less processes on the computer. In most cases though, using the Logitech solution works perfectly fine. I also have a machine that physically moves the mouse with 0.1 mm accuracy that I use to test equipment and verify that the theory matches the fact.
  24. That works for 360 distance, and if you use the same DPI for both games, the relation between the sensitivities stays the same. Matching 360 distance between games that have such different FOV's usually doesn't feel right tough. Especially converting CSGO hipfire 360 distance to PUBG scoping will feel way too sensitive.
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