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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. There's a small amount of smoothing, expect some discrepancy.
  2. Which one is that specifically? I haven't seen a 12x yet.
  3. Did you follow the instructions to set MinMouseLookSensitivity below your calculated sensitivity and MaxMouseLookSensitivity to the exact calculated sensitivity, then set the sensitivity to maximum in-game?
  4. DPI Wizard


    Game added Zero Grounds Game updated Roblox - Added The Final Stand 2 and Project Remix.
  5. These three are added.
  6. Hipfire and ADS sensitivity added. View full update
  7. DPI Wizard

    Zero Grounds

    Hipfire and ADS sensitivity added.
  8. No, there are two different variables, but you have to change them in-game for them to appear in the config file.
  9. 90 in-game is 00007041 in the config file (15), but other than that yes.
  10. I see the issue now, you have entered 90 as the FOV for config file. This is effectively an FOV of 165, not 90 since it's a multiplier. Switch the FOV type to Hdeg Res if you want to enter the actual FOV directly, then check the output for the Config FOV which is the FOV you should configure in the config file. This should solve the issue
  11. You might be looking at the wrong field, it's not greyed out:
  12. You need to change FOV type to hdeg res and enter 90, and the output will show you the config FOV value. This is a decimal value, so you have to use a hex editor like hxd where you can select the hex value and on the right side directly enter a decimal value.
  13. This sounds very much like negative acceleration due to mouse smoothing. Is there any difference with 125 Hz polling rate vs 1000 Hz?
  14. Is the 360 distance correct? If so it's just a matter of first person and third person feeling different.
  15. This is mentioned in the game info section.
  16. Can you share a link to this conversion using the purple share button?
  17. Have you tried the Reverse function using your Siege setup to reverse calculate the calculator settings?
  18. These three are added.
  19. DPI Wizard


    Games added Kick Bastards Echo Point Nova Super Buff HD Games updated Counter-Strike 1.6 - Added support for widescreen FOV. Palworld - Added config file sensitivity.
  20. Just added! View full update
  21. You can manually enter the sensitivity with 6 decimals, the in-game value will show a whole number but all 6 decimals will be applied. View full update
  22. You can manually enter the sensitivity with 6 decimals, the in-game value will show a whole number but all 6 decimals will be applied.
  23. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  24. DPI Wizard

    Super Buff HD

    See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
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