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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. I'd prefer snipers, but that depends what you prefer to play with etc.
  2. It's always been there, but it's just causing problems. When you set the sensitivity in-game to i.e. 20, the MouseSensitivity value in the file is set to 20.XXXXXX (instead of exactly 20). This is not the real sensitivity however, but rather converted to the actual sensitivity which in this case is 0.005085 (this conversion is not accurate either, but that's another story). So what happens if you in your example only change the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity: (MouseSensitiveName="Scope4X",MouseSensitivity=20.254257,LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.001234) Is that the real sensitivity is now 0.001234, but the in-game slider will still show 20. And if you change any setting in-game, the MouseSensitivity value will be read, converted and overwrite the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity back to 0.005085. You can skip the whole MouseSensitivity part in the config file, but then all the sliders in-game will show 50. It's a bit messy.
  3. A lot of games sensitivity do not scale linearly with DPI/distance, i.e. doubling the DPI and halving sensitivity does not work. This is true for games that have 0 as a valid sensitivity value, since you obviously can't divide or multiply by 0 to get a new sensitivity
  4. I see the issue, I need to verify that I've used the right variables in the formula. Will do it later today!
  5. They are only 100% correct if the viewpoint is the exact center of rotation, over the shoulder aim is still a bit behind. Scopes are perfect though.
  6. Then is should work if you select the Cavalry (USA ON) option in most cases. What exact values are you using that fails?
  7. I think a lot of people prefer that yes. Monitor Distance/Viewspeed and 3rd person views are not really accurate since the distance to the targets vary depending on how far away they are.
  8. Do you have USA on or off? With it off the Cavalry sensitivity is extreme slow compared to hipfire, so most calculations fall outside the limits.
  9. With black bars you should enter the native resolution of your monitor instead of the actual 4:3 resolution. The reason is that the calculator assumes 1024 is the width of your monitor, and matches sensitivity based on this. If you played stretched it would be correct to enter the 4:3 resolution. Note that the difference in FOV between these games might make PUBG feel very slow unless you match 360 distance. It's a personal preference however.
  10. GTA does not support this low sensitivity, that's why you get the error. 0 in GTA5 is about 10 in Overwatch. Either way, GTA5 is not a very good game in terms of mouse sensitivity though, since you only have an arbitrary slider and there's some acceleration. The FOV range is about 60-90, but haven't checked the exact values.
  11. DPI Wizard


    Game added Project 1v1
  12. DPI Wizard

    Project 1v1

    Added with in-game sensitivity. Note that FOV affect sensitivity in this game.
  13. Added with in-game sensitivity. Note that FOV affect sensitivity in this game. View full update
  14. Indeed, I'm actually working on this for the new version Estimated done in October.
  15. That's actually up to you, what you prefer. Do you want the muscle memory to aiming to stuff on screen converted, or the muscle memory of doing quick 90 and 180 degree turns.
  16. You are doing it right. The 360 distance is different because the FOV is different. You can choose to match 360 distance instead for hipfire, some prefer that. But for scopes use monitor distance or viewspeed.
  17. Correct what @Drimzi said. If you match 360 distance instead you will get a perfect result.
  18. It depends on the scope I think, ACOG is about 55%.
  19. Correct. Will check stuff when the patch is here.
  20. Good news and bad news... Good news is that I managed to replicate your issue. The bad news is that it seems to be a bug that sometimes causes a sudden burst of mouse acceleration out of the blue. Still an issue after patch 1.6 unfortunately. I'll see if it can be tuned in any way, but it might be down to an issue with the game. The best thing you can do might be to lower the report rate of your mouse to 125 Hz if it supports it.
  21. Servers just went offline Will test your config with the new patch when it comes up.
  22. With the same mouse and monitor you can keep the same settings.
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