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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. DPI Wizard


    Game added Infestation: The New Z
  2. Yet another zombie survivor added!
  3. Yet another zombie survivor added! View full update
  4. Targeting is holding right mouse button. You are close to the limit of PUBG, but your values are Scoping - 4 Scope 2x - 2 Scope 4x - 1 Scope 8x - 1 Scope 15x - 1
  5. No, just the 2x scope. Btw, this will probably mess up your config file entries...
  6. Try to set it to 46 in-game and see how that feels. The calculations should be correct (unless they changed something last patch).
  7. First do like this to get the Widowmaker sensitivity: The the Dirty Bomb hipfire: And lastly the Dirty Bomb Sight Sensitivity: Hope that helps
  8. Are you setting the sensitivity in the file?
  9. Select Viewspeed instead of 360 Distance in the "Convert to" section, and you're good to go!
  10. The arrows just mean use the previous to calculate the next. In other words use OW 2.6 as input and calculate Viewspeed to Widow wihcih equals 45. Then to the same for DB and DB sight.
  11. The problem is 30 for Widow, that is too low compared to what DB supports. You could try using Viewspeed for everything; OW 2.6 -> Viewspeed Widow 45 OW 2.6 -> Viewspeed Dirty Bomb hipfire 2.899293 OW 2.6 -> Viewspeed Dirty Bomb sight sens 0.054684
  12. For Aim Hero, the default FOV type is vertical degrees, so make sure you select "Horizontal Deg. | Res Base" and enter your OW FOV.
  13. Ok, thanks. The result of this calculation is actually below 0 for Dirty Bomb, that's why you get the error. In other words, you can't get any closer to the OW sensitivity than setting the sight sensitivity to 0 unfortunately.
  14. Can you post screenshot and I'll check what's wrong.
  15. Make sure you are entering your regular sensitivity for Dirty Bomb, as this value is needed to calculate the sight sensitivity.
  16. Yes, just leave them, but enter their configured value when the calculator asks for them.
  17. Set your scopes to 36, scoping to 37 and the rest to 38.
  18. Can you post a screenshot?
  19. The problem with R6 is that iron sights and ACOG uses the same sensitivity setting, but they don't match each other in terms of movement. So you basically have to choose which one you want to match to OW, and the other one will just have to follow. I would suggest using 360 distance matching only for hipfire, for scopes use Viewspeed or Monitor Distance. Since you have 38 on the Widow scope, this is the same as Monitor Distance 0%, so try this for your conversions.
  20. Do the calculation for CSGO with the default FOV settings (90 horizontal degrees 4:3) unless you play on a cheat enabled server where you can change it.
  21. FOV's for the scopes aren't perfect yet, but within a few % or so. Will go through them thoroughly later.
  22. Added a bunch now, try them out and tell me if you miss something.
  23. Thanks, I'l get to work
  24. Zoom 1 is both red dot /holo and the sniper you start with. Should I add both, as they are quite different? Zoom 2 is a scope on a sniper you have to buy if I'm not mistaken? Anyone know which one?
  25. Found all kinds of gremlins in the machine, but sorted it out now! Do the Landship conversion all over again as that was wrong, and use the new value you get for the cavalry
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