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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Not quite, adjust it until it says "1 cm = x degrees", or as close to it as you can get. I see you have changed the FOV since the first post though, that was what I was basing 20% off of.
  2. By popular request I've made a theme with light colors, scroll to the bottom to change to it. It still needs a few tweaks, but notify me if you see anything that looks wrong!
  3. Was an error in the formula, edit it correctly now. Here it is in use: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(atan((1080%2F1920)*1.33*(tan(85.57degrees%2F2)))%2Fatan((1080%2F1920)*1.33*(tan(26degrees%2F2))))%2F(0.9*0.8) In this example, the 360 distance is 4.918 times that of hipfire.
  4. A bit simplified it's like this: SoldierZoomSensitivityAll*SoldierZoomSensitivity4x00*(atan((vres/hres)*UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient*(tan(FOV/2)))/atan((vres/hres)*UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient*(tan(AimFOV/2)))) There's a few conditions to this; SoldierZoomSensitivityAll*SoldierZoomSensitivity4x00 can not be above 3 or below 0.1. If it is, 3 or 0.1 will be used respectively. If UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient is 0, the formula is slightly different.
  5. I have only tested AR and pistol IIRC, and they were identical. The 360 distance is about 1.776x that of hipfire/normal sensitivity, and is the same for 1st and 3rd person. But I think he is referring to the FOV scalar, which I have measured close to 1.11. I have it a bit lower and not as a flat modifier. It probably is though, it's just really hard to measure in this game.
  6. The "problem" with 3rd person is that the perceived sensitivity depends on how far away your target is. If your target is far away, like 500 meters or more, the Monitor Distance is pretty much the same as in 1st person (assuming the FOV is the same), regardless of how far back the camera is from you character. But if your target is right in front of you (like a couple of meters), the distance increases up to at least 150% when the camera is like the PUBG 3rd person view. So if your encounters are mostly close quarters, 3rd person will feel a lot slower than 1st person. Even if you have the exact distance between the camera and the character, it still depends on the distance to the target.
  7. Important update! I've added a "Config File 2" calculations to PUBG, and you can use this to calculate the MouseSensitivity value in the config file accurately. This way you can make a config file with accurate sensitivity that will be kept when you do any changes to the config in-game. You can use it in one of two ways: Just calculate the MouseSensitivity value and changed the config file accordingly, leaving out the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity value. For instance like this: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902415) Since the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity is not present, the mouse sensitivity is effectively 0 now, and you will not move when moving the mouse. So enter the game and do a config change so the Apply button is clickable. You can do this by enabling Invert Mouse, click Apply, disable it and click Apply again (or opposite if you already have it enabled). The LastConvertedMouseSensitivity will then be calculated based on the MouseSensitivity value: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902416,LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.009969) Calculate both values using Config File 1 and Config File 2 calculations. Add both values you get to the config file like this: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902416,LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.009979) You do not need to anything else in-game, the sensitivity will be correct the next time you start the game. And should you change something in the config in-game, the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity will be overwritten by an almost identical value. So why aren't the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity values identical? The error is actually in the game, the calculations done here are the correct values. The game converts whole numbers correctly, but is off by a little bit (0.1-0.5%) on decimal numbers. Also note that the game have a tendency to change the MouseSensitivity value a tiny bit when you start the game, something like 36.257845 will be changed into 36.257847. This is negligible though.
  8. As long as there is a fixed point really far away, it can be measured accurately by rotating the camera with scripts.
  9. Make sure you are using Viewspeed or Monitor Distance for the ACOG calculation. Xfactoraiming should in your case be around 0.014 - 0.019 depending on your settings.
  10. If it's from CSGO you mean: 43.
  11. Just did some testing, and high polling rate is a big issue for this game. But it should result in a higher distance.
  12. Any issues you guys might have is due to negative acceleration in the game. The only fix I know of is to setting the polling rate to 125Hz. Other than that we'll just have to wait for the devs to fix it. The in-game and config file are not the same, so this is correct. Config file is most accurate, so use that.
  13. It sounds like they might have updated something now. Not able to check the game until tomorrow, but will do it as soon as I can.
  14. The games has some acceleration issues, partially solved by setting the polling rate to 125Hz. I haven't checked the latest patch though, they might have changed something.
  15. Set it up like this, and go through each scope and aim. You only need to use the 103 FOV for the 1st person views, but if you enter it for the others it doesn't matter. Monitor Size also doesn't matter in terms of sensitivity, it's just used for the ratio calculation in the output. Regarding your membership, go here to cancel it if you don't want the renewal. The current period will run until the end even if it's canceled.
  16. The problem with this is that scopes with different FOV will feel very different. You can do this match for similar scopes by matching 360 from scope to scope, but for different scopes and ADS you should match 0% monitor distance instead.
  17. Adjust the Monitor Distance percentage to where the "X% rotation:" output is close to 1 cm = X degrees, which in your case is 20%.
  18. It doesn't really matter what you set the MouseYawSensitivity and AimDownSightsMouse (i.e. the in-game sensitivity) values to when you are using the advanced calculations, since the range of the multipliers are huge. Leaving them at the default 50 is perfectly fine, as that gives you a lot of room both ways so you don't go out of range on the calculations. But you have to use either the advanced or the simple calculations, don't use the simple first and then the advanced (I realize now that this might not be obvious). They should really be called "in-game" and "config file", I'll rename them later.
  19. The ratio changes with the same FOV because it is the average over the selected monitor distance, so it's not directly comparable to the ratio of another monitor distance. And the relation between monitor distance and degrees is not linear, meaning 75% is not 75% of (in this case) 51.5 degrees, which is why you can only match the sensitivity to one specific monitor distance.
  20. They scale differently, so unfortunately no. You have to choose your favorite and let the others just be what they be.
  21. That would be the best way to go if these are your two main games indeed.
  22. Reload the whole calculator page if you haven't already.
  23. By doing this you are getting new Widow sens of course, but it is in line with how Viewspeed works, so all your sensitivities follow the same matching method. The problematic part here is that Sight Sensitivity for Dirty Bomb has a very limited range, so it's easy to get a calculation out of range. To my recollection DB saves the console input.
  24. What FOV do you use in FPP?
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