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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Not sure about that yet actually.
  2. It's amazing to have a slider with no numbers when they even bragged about high DPI support... I think the notches on the sliders are fixed at least, so I have to go off of that. But the game won't start anymore here, anyone else with that problem? Tried reboot and verifying files to no avail.
  3. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is the same in terms of FOV and sensitivity. But I'm not quite sure where the sensitivity is stored in WWII yet, and now the game won't start
  4. Don't be sorry, the calculations need to be correct Fixed Cavalry now, had the same issue.
  5. These might fix some issues in certain cases, but it's unfortunately not a universal fix to remove all acceleration.
  6. As long as the game supports it, you should make the Actual HFOV identical. So for BF 1 that means setting the FOV to 70.53.
  7. This is a bit tricky since the sensitivity is (hopefully) exactly the same. The reduced friction is probably throwing you off, so you should either try it for a little while and see if you get used to it, or try reducing your sensitivity a bit and see if it feels better. If you're going for reducing the sensitivity, just experiment in one game you play a lot, and once you find your sweet-spot there transfer it to other games. If it feels to slow and not too fast try increasing it instead.
  8. Try again now. Since vehicles use 0.3 as default and normal sensitivity use 0.03, it messed up my templates a bit.
  9. No, enter the FOV as configured in the game, the calculator will figure out the actual FOV based on your resolution.
  10. Check out this post for an explanations: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/607-playerunknowns-battlegrounds/?do=findComment&comment=10646 I would recommend doing method 1 (Config File 2 calculations) so you just calculate the MouseSensitivity value, start the game and do the "Invert Mouse" enable-disable trick to force the calculation of the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity values.
  11. Lawbreakers use FOV based on your resolution, CSGO use FOV based on 4:3 resolution. It's important the the Actual FOV (in the output) of the games are identical if you want to match them, so Lawbreakers need to be set to 106.26 to match CSGO.
  12. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/607-playerunknowns-battlegrounds/?do=findComment&comment=10646
  13. No, you have to choose which one to calculate for. The other will just have to follow.
  14. Fixed BF1 now.
  15. Working on BF1 now, updating it soon!
  16. For R6, using the config file settings instead of the in-game ones will get you exactly the sensitivity you want. Discrepancy closer to 0 is better yes. Scopes and FOV is a mixed bag, in some games they are affected by the FOV you configure, others are locked to a specific FOV.
  17. Always enter the FOV value configured in the game. It's important that the resolution also is correct, so the calculator knows your aspect ratio. You can also use the FOV field to calculate FOV for a game, as you are doing with R6 here. The output tells you that you need to configure the FOV in R6 to 73.74 to achieve 106.26. The FOV type will automatically switch to the correct type for the game/aim you select. The in-game sensitivity in R6 only have 100 steps without any decimals, so this is the closest you can get to the CSGO 360. The discrepancy will tell you how much it is off. You forgot question 4! When you match using Viewspeed or Monitor Distance, the 360 distance will be a lot different if the FOV is different. These methods match what you actually see on your screen. And you have selected 3rd person in PUBG which is unaffected by the FOV for 1st person, so it's locked at 80.
  18. Yes!
  19. No, but I plan to add it!
  20. This is an error in the BF1 formulas I think, they need to be updated.
  21. 360° distance works for hipfire, but not for scopes and ADS. They will be way too sensitive if you match them to the 360° distance of your hipfire. For hipfire it's really down to your preference what works best.
  22. Are you playing mostly in 1st person? Since 1st and 3rd person use the same sensitivity but have different FOV's (unless you set 1st person to 80...), you have to choose which one to match sensitivity for. One of them will be different.
  23. The first part I've actually already fixed in a new version I'm working on. But this version is far away from finished, so I think I'll just move this FOV fix and a few other front-end improvements over to the current version. Regarding the second request, this is something the new version will be a step towards. It will not be in the first edition of it, but the code will be more suited for this kind of multi-conversion.
  24. Yes it will help.
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