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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. You tried this just as an update was published, so the FOV didn't get filled in. Also, for the sniper you need to enter the regular sensitivity for the calculations for work. And doing this with 360 distance doesn't work well, but if you use the default setting of the sniper it is the same as Monitor Distance 75%.
  2. It uses iron sight. A more powerful scope will have the sensitivity equivalent of 0% Monitor Distance compared to this, which is how the game handles FOV changes. Changing the FOV setting in-game does not affect the scopes however.
  3. The FOV part is fixed now!
  4. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates Front-end code completely re-written. It looks visually identical, but it should be a bit more responsive. Calculation code is untouched. Some saved input will not load from the previous version, you need to enter it again. This is Sensitivity 1 and 2 for the input game, FOV and DPI for the output game. The game info is cleaned up a bit. FOV will now be kept when selecting different aims!
  5. A new version of the calculator is rolled out, and the following is changed: Front-end code completely re-written. It looks visually identical, but it should be a bit more responsive. Calculation code is untouched. Some saved input will not load from the previous version, you need to enter it again. This is Sensitivity 1 and 2 for the input game, FOV and DPI for the output game. The game info is cleaned up a bit. FOV will now be kept when selecting different aims! Please report anything that does not work here!
  6. I think I will replace the old Viewspeed with this one in the next update, unless someone would like to keep the old one. Since the old one is very close to 70% Monitor Distance, I would say that can be used instead.
  7. 360 distance and Monitor Distance/Viewspeed are not interchangeable. Having the same 360 distance with different FOVs is actually the opposite of these methods. If you have the same 360 distance with drastically different FOV, the sensitivity will be very different, as you can see here: As you can see, having a scope (i.e. different FOV) and hipfire at the same 360 distance does not make much sense. The whole point of Monitor Distance and Viewspeed is to match sensitivity based on what you see on your monitor, so moving the cross hair to a certain position on the monitor is identical between different FOVs.
  8. I'll use Monitor Distance 100% to explain this since it's a bit easier to understand than Viewspeed, but they are affected similarly. If you match CSGO to OW @ FOV 103, you are matching turning (106.26/2) 53.13 degrees in CSGO to turning (103/2) 51.5 degrees in OW. Now if you instead match OW @ FOV 90, you are matching 53.13 degrees to (90/2) 45 degrees. So the distance you have to move your mouse for 51.5 and 45 degrees in these two scenarios should be identical, meaning the 360 distance (and hence sensitivity) must be different.
  9. If you could set the FOV in Overwatch to 106.26 it would match perfectly with both 360 and Viewspeed/Monitor Distance. As you point out, sensitivity in Overwatch is not affected by sensitivity. This means that the 360 distance will stay the same regardless of configured FOV. But if you change FOV, you will affect Viewspeed and Monitor Distance since these matching methods only relates to your field of view (i.e. what you can actually see on your monitor), and does not take into account 360 distance at all.
  10. The configured FOV affects only 1st person view (as stated in the game info), but not the others. The "Affected by: FOV" info is only in regards to whether or not changing the FOV in the game affects the sensitivity, not if using a scope or ADS with different FOV affects it.
  11. Yes.
  12. Set all the in-game sliders to max and enter a game (to make sure the change is written). Exit the game completely, and look for the value 00 00 20 41 repeating four times with two bytes between them like this (thanks to @Drimzi for the pic): They may or may not be at the same positions as in the pic, but they should be around the same lines. There you have your values
  13. UltraEdit 30 day eval or HEX Editor plugin for Notepad++. Not sure if it works on the newest version though. I'll make a guide and check out the plugin tomorrow.
  14. Yes, it is using the equivalent to 0% Monitor Match. Some might prefer around 75% though, but at least it is consistent.
  15. DPI Wizard


    Game added Call of Duty: WWII
  16. Added hipfire and ADS sensitivity with both in-game and HEX calculations.
  17. Added hipfire and ADS sensitivity with both in-game and HEX calculations. View full update
  18. Hex calculations added
  19. Added ADS, which is essentially the exact same slider but for scopes.
  20. Damn, positions are not fixed. I have them at slightly different places, but the order is obviously the same.
  21. Added hipfire now! Refresh frontpage to see it. ADS next.
  22. The sliders (luckily) have 50 defined steps, so I'll add a calculation for how many steps to set.
  23. Found the issue here at least... Game crashes and won't start if procmon.exe is running (process monitor to see events on the computer). Thanks devs!
  24. It's starting again here now, did another reboot and then the game asked to start in safe-mode. ...and crashed.
  25. Still broken here. I merged two threads btw, @Robert Duarte-Dias your last post got lost.
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