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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Updated with hipfire and zoomed sensitivity for the release version. View full update
  2. The Frostbite engine is usually rock solid, but in this game they have serious issues with the mouse input. It's not acceleration, but very inconsistent registration of the input. The base hipfire sensitivity is the same as BF1/BF4, but the zoom sensitivity is different. Working to analyze it now, but it's a bit difficult with the buggy input registration.
  3. Don't match the scope to 360 distance, it will be all too sensitive. You should probably use either 38 (Monitor Distance 0%) or 45 (Monitor Distance 75%).
  4. Will add it on today! Yeah, even with accel and smoothing set to 0 it has quite serious acceleration actually, probably a bug since they have the options there. It was removed indeed. The game has such extreme acceleration issues that calculations didn't make any sense.
  5. It unfortunately has some mouse acceleration issues, so it can't be added unless they fix it.
  6. Not really, the PMW3366 sensor is the most accurate I've tested
  7. For a perfect match you would need sensitivity 6.927272 btw.
  8. Ok, the closes you can get to 50 cm with 400 DPI is sensitivity 6.93, which gives you 49.9803 cm. The sensor is not 100% accurate, so this small discrepancy is probably less than the inaccuracy of the sensor itself.
  9. How small steps does Logitech Gaming Software allow you to adjust the DPI? 1 DPI? 50 DPI?
  10. What DPI are you using? Do you use a mouse with DPI fine-tuning capabilities?
  11. Not really possible to get it 100% perfect since the game only supports two decimals.
  12. Updated it now, they changed both sensitivity and how FOV works completely.
  13. If I recall correctly you should be able to just add the FOV=XX.XXX value to the config file in the same sections as the sensitivity. It's a long time since I added this game though, so it might have changed.
  14. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.818933" is the same as Monitor Distance 0%. But what you should use depends on what your settings in PUBG are. If you have all the scopes at the same sensitivity it is the same as Monitor Distance 100%. If you match all the scopes to Monitor Distance 0% however, 0.818933 is the one you should use.
  15. I'll test vertical sensitivity later. I have not noticed any issues with FPS and sensitivity.
  16. It is the FOV for 4:3 resolution. So when you play with e.g. 16:9 resolution, the extra width is just added on, resulting in a wider actual FOV.
  17. Try to delete the m_sensitivity line, start the game and change the sensitivity to minimum in game. Exit the game and see if the line is added somewhere, it should be m_sensitivity "2" when set to minimum. Also make sure m_sensitivity is not present twice in the file.
  18. Just checked the game now, and the calculations seems correct. It uses the same sensitivity as CSGO etc, but unaffected by FOV. Is mouse smoothing off? And if you set the sensitivity to an extreme value like 30, does it get ridiculously fast?
  19. Some games sensitivity are unaffected by FOV change, others are affected. The game info in the calculator will tell you if they are affected or not in the "Affected by" section.
  20. Fixed a lot of minor bugs and added a 0.5 second delay when you enter a number in any field to avoid double-execution of scripts.
  21. I'll also try to fix the flickering of the game and aim fields when you load saved settings. I had to change how they load since async loading is deprecated.
  22. Fixed! What exactly do you mean? Is the distance changing when you do something with another field?
  23. Downloading here as well, will add it later.
  24. Haven't checked yet, does the config file look similar? With the "g_mouseSensitivity" value etc?
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