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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. The lowest is the configured DPI. The highest depends on a lot of factors.
  2. Correct, the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity value is the actual sensitivity applied, while the MouseSensitivity value is the value in the menus. So if you only set the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity value, the sensitivity will be correct, but in-game it will show 50. And if you change any sensitivity setting in-game it will reset the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity to reflect what you see in the menus. So the trick is to calculate both values, just switch the Location selection to Config File 2 to calculate the MouseSensitivity value as well, and enter both values in the file where they belong.
  3. I don't know of any issues in CSGO regarding this, it should stay the same regardless of FPS.
  4. For some games, but that's a bug/bad coding in the game. It's mentioned in the notes for the game if it is the case.
  5. Convert using Monitor Distance 0%, that's the same as 1:1 and that number.
  6. Are you using Viewspeed or Monitor Distance, and not 360 Distance?
  7. 360 Distance, if that is what you are aiming for For scopes do not use it however, use one of the others.
  8. Ok, viewspeed v2 will result in a very different results than 360 distance when the aspect ratio is different.
  9. It depends on what method you use for converting, and what you want to achieve. Also, are you playing with black bars or stretched? If you simply want the 360 distance to be the same, it might feel different because of FOV yes (even though the distance is the same).
  10. Removed the HEX calculations as the in-game one with three decimals should be enough.
  11. Thanks! The difference is minimal when you convert between the same aspect ratio. But when you have different AR's (say from 4:3 to 16:9) there's a big difference. V1 is close to 70% Monitor Distance always. V2 is close to 75% Monitor Distance when the AR is the same, and drastically change when the AR is different.
  12. See this thread for some nice reviews
  13. If they do, the mouse will feel terrible. Some sensors have problems with certain surfaces/colors, but this will be very obvious. But if the sensor works fine on the surface, it doesn't matter if it is hard, soft, metal, cloth, plastic, glass or whatever; the DPI will be the same. They will feel different because of friction etc, but the distances does not change.
  14. The FOV usually doesn't change actually, but the camera moves back and pivots around your character. And the further back the camera is, the more extreme the difference is between aiming at something close and far away. The aiming movement in 1st person and 3rd person is really not comparable unless you are aiming at something really far away. I think the best solution is to find one game to use as a base for 1st person, and another for 3rd person.
  15. I just use 1000 normally when testing stuff, forgot to change it. As long as the WPS (Windows Pointer Speed) field in the calculator is disabled, the game supports raw mouse input which should always be used if it is an option. For your conversion, just do like the example above, but change the values to yours.
  16. The FOV type will always change to the type the game uses. You can choose other types if you want to convert values, for instance if you want the same FOV in R6 as in Overwatch, change the R6 FOV type to Hdeg Res and enter 103. The output will tell you that you need to configure the R6 FOV to 70.53 (if using a 16:9 resolution) to get this FOV. There is only a small difference in Viewspeed v1 and v2 when you have the same aspect ratio in both games. V2 is a fraction quicker. For Sensitivity 1 in R6, enter the sensitivity from R6, not CSGO. Or use the default value of 50. You also need to enter the FOV for R6.
  17. If you are talking about CSGO, 68 is probably your viewmodel_fov, which is irrelevant when it comes to sensitivity. Only the fov_cs_debug value matters, and only if you play on a server with cheats enabled. Otherwise it will be locked to 90.
  18. Ok, changed it now thanks!
  19. Actually, the beta only had steps in the slider corresponding regular sensitivity via a formula. Have they changed it to be standard Source like sensitivity numbers in-game now? I'm travelling atm, so can't check.
  20. Excellent, updated!
  21. Added with support for normal, aiming and telescopic aiming for both in-game and config file sensitivity.
  22. Added with support for normal, aiming and telescopic aiming for both in-game and config file sensitivity. View full update
  23. DPI Wizard


    Game added Ballistic Overkill Games updated Prey - Sensitivity no longer affected by FOV Counter Strike: Global Offensive - Added support for raw input on and off
  24. Not in the game no, just in Windows. Where it probably isn't such a big deal.
  25. I think that's the best solution. 5/11 is generally not recommended, but it's the best you can get.
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