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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Use Monitor Distance 75% if you are playing on a 16:9 monitor.
  2. Which Painkiller?
  3. Got a key and will add it soon.
  4. BF4 only has scaling for iron sight and 1X scopes, all other scopes have fixed FOV (unless I missed an update?). BF1 on the other hand scales all scopes. You are doing it correctly for the scope you have selected, and I would suggest also using the "Config File 2" calculation for PUBG so you get the other value for the config file. This makes the slider in-game correctly represent your sensitivity. Viewspeed matching sensitivity based on the chord length of the arc of your FOV. To make it simple, it's about the same as Monitor Distance 70%, or about the same as USA 1.25 in Battlefield. (You had a double post, deleted the other one )
  5. My bad! Switch the DPI's around, 530 on the input and 400 on the output.
  6. That's what the calculator is for For CSGO is straight forward though, a lot of games don't scale linearly like this (400/530*2). 530 was moving extremely fast though, a more human speed results in a DPI around 500.
  7. Ok, did some testing now, minimum is as always your configured DPI, 400. Max I got was 530 moving extremely fast (over 300 inches/sec). But note that stuff like report rate etc will also affect sensitivity when acceleration is on.
  8. I could find the highest and lowest, but the problem with acceleration is that there are so many variables to account for, you will never get the same result. Even with a script moving the mouse 100% identically each time, you will get different results.
  9. I should be able to add a normal/stretched/black bar option to CSGO. What other games, if any, commonly use stretched and black bars...?
  10. Ok, they have a very different FOV, so try Monitor Distance or Viewspeed instead. That should work a lot better.
  11. What conversion method did you use? 360 distance, monitor distance, viewspeed?
  12. The sensitivity is still acting weird, will do some more in-depth analysis this weekend.
  13. Hipfire (Advanced) I'll rename it Hipfire (m_yaw) actually, a bit more explanatory.
  14. WPS is a modifier to the input from the mouse. The modifiers are: 1 = 1/32 2 = 1/16 3 = 1/4 4 = 1/2 5 = 3/4 6 = 1 7 = 1.5 8 = 2 9 = 2.5 10 = 3 11 = 3.5 So when the WPS is set to 6, 1 count from the mouse equals 1 pixel in Windows. If it is set to 8, 1 count equals two pixels. And if it's set to 2, 16 counts equals 1 pixel and so on. "Actual DPI" is the DPI of your mouse calculated based on the measurement you do. The "Actual counts" show you how many counts are registered from the mouse, and it is this value in correlation with the distance that is used to calculate the actual DPI.
  15. I think the closest I can get to this is selling subscriptions through kinguin.net, where you can pay with skinwallet.
  16. Since all calculations except Viewspeed v2 ignores aspect ratio and only use actual FOV, stretched actually works fine when you enter the resolution that is stretched. With black bars you need to enter the native monitor resolution for the same result.
  17. Because in hipfire you might prefer to have the muscle memory of turning e.g. 180 degrees rather than accurate aim. For aiming you use targeting/ADS/Scope sensitivity. But again, it's a personal preference.
  18. Select "In-game" from the Location dropdown
  19. When you play with black bars, the edge of the image is at the 75% Monitor Distance mark (if playing 4:3 on a 16:9 monitor). When stretched it is at the 100% mark. In other words, the same movement that with black bars result in moving to 75%, results in 100% stretched.
  20. That would be 90 FOV for both games.
  21. Making a standalone version is not going to happen, but making some kind of integration to Steam would be nice. I haven't really looked at what options there are yet, but will do it soon.
  22. 360 distance does not change. The relative aim on-screen changes.
  23. Depends a bit on what you want, do you want to keep the same 360 distance? Or keep the relative aim on the screen constant?
  24. Yes, I've been meaning to add it for a while, but it got pushed back. Will try to add it soon.
  25. The LastConvertedMouseSensitivity value is the actual sensitivity applied, while the MouseSensitivity value is the value in the menus. So if you only set the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity value, the sensitivity will be correct, but in-game it will show 50. And if you change any sensitivity setting in-game it will reset the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity to reflect what you see in the menus. So the trick is to calculate both values, just switch the Location selection to Config File 2 to calculate the MouseSensitivity value as well, and enter both values in the file where they belong.
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