Over the years the calculator has grown more and more complex, and it can be quite overwhelming to a lot of users. To make it easier to use for those who don't need all the features of the full calculator, a simple mode is now available.
Simple mode works like this:
All fields that can be locked to a default value will be hidden.
For secondary sensitivity and multipliers the game's default values are used.
Since secondary sensitivity and multiplier fields are hidden and forced to default values, some conversions won't be possible in simple mode.
WPS is locked to 6.
Special options are locked to a pre-selected setting, this will be displayed in the output.
FOV Type is locked to the games native FOV type.
Hipfire to hipfire conversions will use 360 distance.
All other conversions will use 75% Monitor Distance.
The output is simplified to just show the sensitivity, 360 distance and special options.