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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Just added this. Please reply to the game topic if the calculation is off, it suddenly changed by 25% when I was working on the game.
  2. The sensitivity changed by exactly 25% during my analysis, so please reply to confirm if the calculation is correct for you. I don't know why it changed, might have been a bug in the game.
  3. Added in-game and config file sensitivity.
  4. Added in-game and config file sensitivity.
  5. I'm not sure if this works, all the tool does is to set the "MouseSensitivity=" value in the config file which no longer have any effect.
  6. I think it conserved what was in the config file when the update that removed it was installed, but I'm not 100% sure and not able to test it. Any MouseSensitivity value in the config file now will be ignored.
  7. The game itself no longer supports sensitivity in the config file, so it's removed from the calculator as well. Do notify my if they add support for it again, and I'll reinstate it.
  8. Adding the value manually does not work. Removed config file calculations from the calculator.
  9. Select In-game in the Location box for PUBG. Also use Viewspeed instead of Monitor Distance for osu.
  10. I think I can add calculation for rds as well, I'll take a look. It's probably one or the other though, not rds exclusively.
  11. Do like this (note that osu! currently only works with Viewspeed, a bug that will be fixed soon):
  12. Select the same game as both from and to in the calculator, and use all the same settings but change the DPI as in this example: It doesn't matter what conversion method you use as long as you have the same settings except for the DPI.
  13. Enabled it now, but note that I haven't verified that the sensitivity is the same with raw input off. I usually force raw input on in the calculator because turning it off result in very inaccurate sensitivity for a lot of games. I'll check it and add it as a special option tomorrow.
  14. The bug is actually in the game; Save The World has acceleration issues while Battle Royale does not. Lowering the report rate to 125 Hz helps a bit, but doesn't solve the issue completely. I haven't verified that this is still the case in the last update though, will do it tomorrow.
  15. Every game that have the option to adjust the FOV to the desired value.
  16. Unfortunately not possible.
  17. That's because 106 is the (almost) same FOV as in CSGO (106.26). Ideally you want to set all your games to the same FOV for best consistency, but this is not possible for a lot of games. If the FOV is the same, all conversion methods will give you the same sensitivity.
  18. DPI Wizard


    Games added SOS Freestyle Gunz
  19. DPI Wizard


    This just in: Another survival game!
  20. DPI Wizard


    This just in: Another survival game!
  21. DPI Wizard

    Freestyle GunZ

    Revived old shooter just added!
  22. Revived old shooter just added! View full update
  23. DPI Wizard


    Games added Warhammer: Vermintide 2 TERA Game updated Paladins - Added scopes
  24. DPI Wizard


    In-game and config file sensitivity added.
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