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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. DPI Wizard

    Far Cry 5

    In-game and config file calculations for hipfire and ADS added.
  2. In-game and config file calculations for hipfire and ADS added.
  3. Hipfire is added, doing zoom sens next!
  4. It will be added as soon as it is released and analyzed.
  5. It was removed in the last update because it didn't work correctly with all conversions. There will be a more universal discrepancy calculation in the next update.
  6. DPI Wizard


    Games added Roblox Phantom Forces SUPERHOT
  7. Roblox Phantom Forces is added. View full update
  8. DPI Wizard


    Roblox Phantom Forces is added.
  9. What program are you using to edit the file? I used Notepad++ and got it working.
  10. Superhot is just added.
  11. In-game sensitivity for this game is very inaccurate, use the config file for best accuracy.
  12. DPI Wizard


    In-game sensitivity for this game is very inaccurate, use the config file for best accuracy.
  13. In simple mode hipfire uses 360 distance match, targeting uses 75% monitor distance.
  14. And done! Lots of code updated, so don't hesitate to notify me if something seems off.
  15. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates 2D conversions is completely overhauled and bugs fixed, so this now works with any kind of conversion method. Minor layout fixes. Game added League of Legends
  16. The code is updated to support any kind of 2D game, so League of Legends is finally in!
  17. The code is updated to support any kind of 2D game, so League of Legends is finally in!
  18. Working on this now, not quite sure how long it will take.
  19. Good to hear. This seems to be an issue with a lot of Unreal Engine 4 games.
  20. Make sure you use the same FOV in AimHero as in Overwatch (note that they use different FOV Types), and they will be the same.
  21. Ok, did some tests now. FOV has nothing to with it luckily. It is the exact same discrepancy regardless of FOV. My testing indicates that the vertical sensitivity is exactly 70% of the horizontal sensitivity, meaning you should increase your vertical (y) DPI by 1/0.7*hDPI. So if your DPI is 400, this would mean 1/0.7*400=571. This is only tested for 16:9 so far, other AR's might be different!
  22. I've seen other reports on this, I'll get the hard data! On the subject of FOV and inconsistency, I updated the PUBG calculator a few days ago to correctly support different aspect ratios. The game applies a static multiplier to the FOV based on the aspect ratio, and there is no magic formula for how this is done. I have analyzed a few common and not so common AR's to make it work with those. But other AR's, especially the extremely wide ones, might be different. Here's how the messy scaling looks:
  23. What's your CSGO settings, and what conversion method are you using btw?
  24. Try lowering the report rate to 125 or 250 Hz, this game has the same issue as Sea of Thieves with 500 or 1000 Hz.
  25. Try lowering report rate to 125 or 250 Hz, this game struggles with 1000 Hz and drops packets.
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