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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Looking for a 6x now, most likely a 6x modifier but I need to be sure!
  2. Will be added as soon as I get my hands on them!
  3. Yes, and since they removed config file sensitivity it's impossible to know exactly what you actually set the sensitivity to. Considering Epic is behind the Unreal Engine as well it's amazing how bad Fortnite handles slider accuracy, config file settings, acceleration and vertical vs horizontal sensitivity.
  4. Added ADS now.
  5. Correct.
  6. 5760 is way too high* for 0%, a shame they didn't adjust that. *too high in terms of sensitivity, not counts
  7. Squad is updated! Added the new zoom sensitivity scaling as a special option, the new 1x and 4x multipliers and in-game sensitivity. I'll try to do vehicles later, but since they have so much negative acceleration I'll have to see if it's doable.
  8. Excellent, getting the beta now.
  9. Haven't found a way yet, let's hope they add something to fix this in the update tonight.
  10. Confirmed that calculations are still correct for 0.6.
  11. The Halo Online already in the calculator is this one, but I haven't checked it after the last update.
  12. DPI Wizard


    Game added Battle Carnival
  13. Hipfire and zoom sensitivity added.
  14. Hipfire and zoom sensitivity added.
  15. DPI Wizard


    Game added Defiance 2050
  16. No numerical sensitivity value in this game, so check the notes on how to set the sensitivity.
  17. DPI Wizard

    Defiance 2050

    No numerical sensitivity value in this game, so check the notes on how to set the sensitivity.
  18. Yes, if you leave the value at 1 it is the same as before.
  19. Nice! So first of all, remove everything from %LOCALAPPDATA%\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini. This fix actually still works, but it is added to the new setting. If you set the new parameter in-game, set Vertical Sensitivity Multiplier to 1.43. If you do it in the config file, set MouseVerticalSensitivityMultiplier=1.428571.
  20. Just a friendly reminder that this light colored theme exists, and is improved a lot with the latest update!
  21. DPI Wizard


    Game added Vengeance
  22. Very narrow sensitivity range in this game, adjust your DPI if the calculation is out of range.
  23. DPI Wizard


    Very narrow sensitivity range in this game, adjust your DPI if the calculation is out of range.
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