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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. What are your settings and expected vs calculated distance?
  2. Basedist is in essence a reverse calculation of the formula you tried. To find the basedist for your Overwatch sensitivity you can do like this: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=21.6477%3D(x+csc(2+arctan(9%2F16+tan((π+103)%2F360))%2F2))%2Fsqrt(2) (x=17.6762) Then this basedist is applied to the calculation to find the 360 distance for Fortnite: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(17.6762+csc(2+arctan(9%2F16+tan((π+80)%2F360))%2F2))%2Fsqrt(2)
  3. Ring of Elysium is in the works, it has some issues with the sensitivity not being exactly what they intend (i.e. copying PUBG), but is slightly off. Either way it should not be possible to make a broken save like you did so we'll investigate what happened!
  4. No "best" method, but any monitor distance or viewspeed are viable options, anything except 360 distance.
  5. You had an invalid entry saved for some reason. I deleted it and it should work now. Will look into the reasons why this happened. Cheers!
  6. You must use the basedist and not the 360 distance in the formula. Basedist is the value the calculator tries to match, like the 360 distance for 360 conversion. So for your conversion it's like this: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(17.6762+csc(2+arctan(9%2F16+tan((π+80)%2F360))%2F2))%2Fsqrt(2)
  7. DPI Wizard


    Calculator update Added an experimental monitor distance option that uses the difference in FOV as the distance. Type "auto" in the Match At box to test this feature. Game added Supraball Games updated Dayz (Standalone) - Added support for the new sensitivity and FOV options in version 0.63.
  8. Supraball added.
  9. DPI Wizard


    Supraball added.
  10. Supraball is added. Supraland has acceleration and no sensitivity option yet so we'll have to wait and see if they update it.
  11. What is you sensitivity, expected 360 and measured 360? Also how/where do you test? I'm getting the same results as always when I test 360 distance.
  12. Interesting idea! I'll take a look at integrating this.
  13. That's what I'm thinking as well. This is also what 360 distance does when converting between 2d and 3d.
  14. Not exactly how it's done in the calculator since this method doesn't work with every game. It uses input counts and output counts instead. Also the formula needs to check which FOV is biggest to make reverse calculations work. Now, how would we apply this method to 2d to 3d calculations I wonder?
  15. I think I see what you did, you converted from ACOG in R6 to hipfire in Overwatch using 360 distance first to get 7.47? You should first convert hipfire from R6 to hipfire in Overwatch, then do the scopes.
  16. No worries, I'll fix it in a few minutes.
  17. Definitely! I'll add it in the next update.
  18. Just published a small "hidden" feature: Type auto into the "Match At" box, and it will automatically do what we discuss here. The output will show you the calculated monitor distance. Does not work with 2D conversions as of now! Try it out!
  19. No FOV in OSU, all 2D calculations are done based on movement to a point on the screen and this is matched to the same point in a 3D environment.
  20. Here's how it compares to Monitor Distance 75% (red line). Source FOV 106, target FOV on the bottom, 360 distance multiplier on the left.
  21. This method can actually be integrated quite easily. I'll play around with it a bit and see how it works.
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