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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Are you clicking Apply? I noticed the sliders going beyond the limits myself, but haven't tested if it actually works yet.
  2. The sliders are inaccurate if you drag them and accurate if you use the arrow keys like you do.
  3. Why the devs made it go from -10 to 10 I don't know, but 0 is 100% monitor match. Preferably use hipfire if that's what you base your ADS on. That way you won't pass on any discrepancies due to decimal places etc.
  4. Not much really. The game doesn't support config file sensitivity which would improve the accuracy, but other than that it's fine.
  5. DPI Wizard


    Game added PWND Games updated Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Fixed FOV type Raft - Updated FOV type
  6. Note that FOV calculations only works from multiplier for this game. Selecting a different FOV Type does not work until the next update.
  7. DPI Wizard


    Note that FOV calculations only works from multiplier for this game. Selecting a different FOV Type does not work until the next update.
  8. Added now, but note that FOV calculations only works from multiplier. Selecting a different FOV Type does not work until I update some code. I don't make such tools myself, but if there is one available I'd be more than happy to try it out.
  9. They are the same so no new calculation is needed. I've updated the game notes to reflect this.
  10. For most games the calculation is 100% accurate. Some games do have issues with packet loss or acceleration so the measurement will not always line up with the calculation. Siege and CSGO don't have any issues with this though. The issues here is the FOV as you assume. The best practice is to always use the same FOV, this is however not possible in all games.
  11. Adjustable FOV updated.
  12. Updated it now.
  13. Try to adjust the sensitivity in-game and apply it, and make sure to either re-open the file or import it from cloud.
  14. DPI Wizard


    Game added Wormhole Wars Game updated Realm Royale - Added ADS calculation
  15. Seems to work here, what settings are you using in aiming.pro?
  16. No, that issue is mostly on Unreal Engine 4 games.
  17. Added with horizontal/vertical sensitivity and three zoom calculations.
  18. Added with horizontal/vertical sensitivity and three zoom calculations.
  19. A small bug there, fixed now.
  20. I just removed it, changes in the config file are reverted when you launch the game so it doesn't work to set the sensitivity there unless we find a workaround.
  21. Yeah, noticed as well. Removed it until there's a fix for it.
  22. Added config file sensitivity now. Note that I have not verified that values above 10 and below -10 works, but they should.
  23. Added ADS sensitivity. There's no separate sensitivity for ADS so it uses the hipfire sensitivity.
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