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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Yeah, it's really illogical that the hipfire sensitivity is unaffected by FOV change while the zoom is affected by it even though it has a static FOV...
  2. If it feels correct it probably is, but I'll verify it later.
  3. I divided the wrong way 1.169127
  4. Should be 0.855339, but I can't verify it until later today.
  5. 0.84519987 will make it perfect for that one instance. But since the scaling is not consistent at the moment it's impossible to add it to the calculator. It mostly close to a 60% monitor match, but is completely off at lower FOV's. I'll do some more measurements and double check the settings in the config file as I only went off the in-game settings initially.
  6. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/627-quake-champions/?do=findComment&comment=17164
  7. I think they may have messed something up when they added it. Regardless of configured FOV the zoom is 79, and currently it scales like this (configured FOV on the bottom, counts on the left), which makes no sense: It should either be a straight line or a nice arc.
  8. DPI Wizard


    Game added Smite Games updated Warframe - Updated sensitivity scaling Post Scriptum - Updated ADS sensitivity Minecraft - Corrected FOV type
  9. Smite just added!
  10. DPI Wizard


    Smite just added!
  11. Smite is added
  12. Yes, but this number is a bit misleading as it is the average mouse-to-crosshair movement over a distance. The new version (work in progress) shows this instead: This is more accurate since it's actually measurable.
  13. You're right. Don't know if it's a bug or not, but I've updated the calculator to reflect this. So you can now set hipfire and ADS independently.
  14. Doesn't seem to have changed unfortunately. ADS is still twice the 360 distance of hipfire even though the FOV is the same.
  15. Notes: This calculation uses the same sensitivity as Scope, so use it if you prefer to match the ADS sensitivity.
  16. 360 distance only for hipfire or when the FOV is identical or very close. The other methods are suitable for basically any conversion depending on your preference.
  17. Do either 2X to assault rifle scope or 6x to sniper scope using Viewspeed or Monitor Distance. Note that since Fortnite scopes have a max value of 1 you might get an error saying the calculated sensitivity is too high. In this case setting it to 1 is the closest you'll get.
  18. It's when you hold right mouse button instead of clicking it.
  19. Try making the file read-only.
  20. Fortnite doesn't have ADS, convert Targeting to Targeting.
  21. Everything is 1 by default.
  22. It just ignores it now.
  23. You used to be able to turn it on and off in the config file, but they made it permanently off a while ago.
  24. No, no acceleration at all. Save the World has had issues with high report rates being experienced as negative acceleration (packet loss), put this was fixed last time I checked.
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