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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Right, meant 4:3
  2. Unless you're converting between different aspect ratios it doesn't really matter. On 16:9 100% vertical is the same as 75% horizontal etc.
  3. True, added it as an option now
  4. Just setting WPS to 6/11 should do the trick I think, or is there something I'm missing maybe?
  5. Resolution will have no impact on sensitivity as long as the aspect ratio is the same. Do you have raw input on?
  6. Thank you, fixed now
  7. Like this?
  8. I'm not sure what SoldierZoomSensitivity1, 2 3 and 4 does. But either way just leave them at the default value of 1.
  9. It's already in the calculator, but it's missing vehicles and stuff.
  10. Yes, I've updated the description to be more clear now.
  11. Ok, you first need to set the FOV to the same as in CSGO, which is 58.72 in R6 if you are using 16:9 resolution as in this example. Just fill the calculator out the same way, be sure to select Hdeg Res as FOV Type for R6 and enter 90 as FOV. Then check the output for "Config FOV" for R6. For Sensitivity 1 just enter 1 as this will give you the best accuracy for the multiplier value. For iron sight use the values from the first calculation, and use 10 for Sensitivity 2 and Monitor Distance 0% as matching method as this will make the scopes and ADS closest to each other: Change any values here that fits your setup the best
  12. 16:10 compressed to 16:9? Or do you mean 16:9? Or 1920x1200?
  13. DPI Wizard


    Games added Master Arena Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare Hellbound: Survival Mode
  14. Yes, it's fixed now! Just added it.
  15. Acceleration is fixed in this game now!
  16. DPI Wizard


    Acceleration is fixed in this game now!
  17. Thank you, added now. Didn't add config file as the game supports five decimals in-game. Done!
  18. Added hipfire and zoom sensitivity.
  19. DPI Wizard

    Master Arena

    Added hipfire and zoom sensitivity.
  20. Added FPS sensitivity.
  21. It seems like the FOV scaling options are messing something up, it was fine in alpha without these options. I've already reached out to the devs through the project manager It's beta for a reason, hopefully they'll fix it!
  22. I've seen it happen on all aims, but it's rare and random it seems. It's probably easier to notice on hipfire since the lag will affect it more in terms of movement.
  23. That's all you have to do yes, make sure WPS is set to 4/11 and set your DPI to 850 or 900
  24. Then set you DPI to 850 if your mouse supports it. If it only supports steps of 100 set it to 900.
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