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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Practically impossible yes, you need to know exactly how far back the camera is, and exactly how far away the target is.
  2. I think it's the game, but I'm not 100% sure until I verify it. I'll update this thread when I've tested it.
  3. I think this is a quirk in the game since the sensitivity is based on the 4:3 portion of the FOV. So with 4:3 resolutions you will get mouse_ads_yaw_ads_multiplier=1 with Affected as well. But it might be a bug introduced when the Hdeg 16:9 FOV Type was added, I'll verify it later today!
  4. Tank sensitivity added!
  5. It's still monitor match, but the calculation is only correct for objects really far away (like at least 500+ meters in PUBG). The further away the more correct the calculation is since the pivot of the third person camera is less pronounced. If you are a few meters away from the target the monitor distance is completely different.
  6. Try scripting 1 count at the time with 10ms delay, and you should get a pretty consistent result. There is some acceleration that will happen from time to time either way though, so it's very hard to get a good reading of the sens.
  7. The only difference between TPP and FPP is that TPP is locked to 80 FOV. So when you set FPP to the same FOV there's no difference other than the fact that one is first person and the other is third. Matching first and third person is technically impossible since the monitor distance in third person depends on the distance to the target, so the only factor in the calculation is the FOV.
  8. Unreal Engine 3 is completely unrelated to Source and their yaw based sensitivity. It uses a fixed base number divided by the sensitivity, and in this case sensitivity is adjusted for the 72 FOV compared to 90 which is default for the engine. The negative acceleration is practically impossible to avoid by hand, but with scripts that move really slow it's possible. I got about the equivalent of the yaw sensitivity you mentioned in your first post when I did the first tests, but the numbers didn't make sense in an UE3 game. So I slowed everything down and got the expected numbers. If you have a Logitech G mouse or keyboard I can give you a script to verify
  9. It's not the config.ini directly under C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty Black Ops 4\players\ you should edit, there's a folder with a long user id there that contains the correct config.ini.
  10. Yes, that will make it most consistent between different aims
  11. Ah, yes I forgot to change the zoom sens to 60. Other than that, since the conversion method is monitor distance vertical 133% and USA is in 133 (i.e. they are the same) it actually doesn't matter which scope you convert from, they will all give the same result
  12. If high hipfire sens and low ADS sens works for you, stick with it. The slowest match method (0% monitor distance) is quite a bit faster than your settings. So to convert to BO4 you need to do it in two steps, first hipfire (note the BO4 FOV configured to match BF1): Then do ads or scope using the calculated value, and setting ADS and scope conversions to Monitor Distance Vertical 133%: By setting ADS Mouse Sensitivity to Relative and using the same scaling as in BF1 (1.33) all scopes will scale exactly the same.
  13. That kinda defeats the purpose of the calculator though, as it is converting from the first game to the second. Doing the aim match based on different FOV's means that your aims will be different too, so you won't get any consistency.
  14. If you change the FOV type and FOV for Aim Hero to the same as Fortnite, the output will tell you what to configure in Aim Hero to achieve this FOV. Aim Hero do have a Fortnite setting btw. It isn't 100% equal to Fortnite, but the difference is basically nothing.
  15. Done, thanks for all the info!
  16. Be sure to check the notes on how to edit the encrypted config file.
  17. Be sure to check the notes on how to edit the encrypted config file.
  18. Hipfire sensitivity is in for this game!
  19. Hipfire sensitivity is in for this game!
  20. There's acceleration in this game currently, so it can't be added.
  21. No, if you select it as the output game/aim you can also convert to it. For input you have to enter the zoom sens, for output it will be calculated based on your input.
  22. Ok, understand now As RexVoluntas said, it's the default value. The calculator will always load default values as placeholders whenever possible (for FOV and resolution as well), except for in the Sensitivity 1 field. As this is just a placeholder, you can just replace it to the value you use.
  23. When you select "All" the zoom sensitivity is calculated based on the Conversion setup settings. It will use the Scope setting which defaults to Monitor Distance Horizontal 0%. If you use 30, this is slower than any of the methods available. So you can't actually match this sensitivity with any method.
  24. Nice, just grabbed a key and downloading now!
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