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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Select Location In-game and it's there.
  2. Anyone got a key spare for Spellbreak?
  3. Select Config File in the Location box. The path and name of the config file is listed in the game info.
  4. DPI Wizard


    Game added Creative Destruction Game updated Deep Rock Galactic - Updated sensitivity calculation
  5. It has too much acceleration to be added, the sensitivity is all over the place unfortunately.
  6. Added with support for all scopes. Note that this game has some issues with smoothing/acceleration.
  7. Added with support for all scopes. Note that this game has some issues with smoothing/acceleration.
  8. Yes, USA must be enabled. This is the fastest match you can make, and necessary if you want everything to be the same 360. As you can see 8X and 10X are out of range, but you can try the calculated values and see if they work. This will extremely fast for scopes, especially the higher ones. But if that's your preference by all means go for it
  9. It's probably been updated, I'll take a look!
  10. It's not forgotten! Just had to put it on hold while prioritizing some code updates and BFV. I think turning off Scale sens by FOV solves the issue for both Insurgency games, so that will probably be the solution. I'll do them both very soon!
  11. You definitely don't want to do that, scopes will be insanely sensitive with the same 360 as hipfire.
  12. Yes if the FOV is equal on the game you are converting from. And with the new update of the calculator this will be the default setting for your setup (using the conversion setup to calculate the USA value).
  13. They're not new, and is planned to be added. PlanePilot might be just about impossible though, but the others should be doable.
  14. Yes! See here: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/4853-improved-monitor-distance-integration/ This update uses the conversion setup to calculate the monitor distance coefficient in games that supports it. So if you used the default coefficient previously, it will now be replaced with a value corresponding to your setup, thus changing the calculated sensitivity. The end result for the calculation should be equal though (as long as you change all the sensitivity values in the game according to the output), the only effect is that scopes scale the same.
  15. Shorter 360 distance, higher sensitivity value.
  16. Fixed now
  17. Yes, the All conversions will use scope for now. I need to do some updates to be able to separate them as they look the same in the database.
  18. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates Improved monitor distance integration - Games that support monitor distance (BF4, BF1, BFV, Black Ops 4) will now through magic use your conversion setup and resolution to calculate the most appropriate coefficient for MDH, MVD and both Viewspeeds. Game updated KovaaK's FPS Aim Trainer - Added scope support.
  19. Games that support monitor distance (BF4, BF1, BFV, Black Ops 4) will now through magic use your conversion setup and resolution to calculate the most appropriate coefficient for MDH, MDV and both Viewspeeds. This will make all the aims scale to your preference without you having to figure out the coefficient yourself. The calculated coefficient will be a placeholder value for the sensitivity field, so you can override if you like. If you want to use the calculated value just delete any value you have entered.
  20. 81 is correct, the value shown on the right in-game is the 4:3 FOV equivalent (comparable to FOV in CSGO etc).
  21. Getting a wiki section on the site is definitely needed and something I'm looking into. It needs to be completely integrated to be as seamless as possible (for both search and user login), I have a few options I will examine closer!
  22. Yes, if you like 49 for Widowmaker this is perfect!
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