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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Your FOV's are probably off. Check your FOV setting in both games, and use their default FOV Type (Vdeg for both).
  2. Correct! ROE doesn't scale sensitivity in any particular fashion, that's why you get numbers all over the place.
  3. That's if you want 100% MDH match. This is generally not considered the best method, 0% is (USA 0).
  4. Already chosen by @Mustakrakish, edit it
  5. It should work now, it can take a minute or two for the sub to activate. Reload the page and you're good!
  6. The X axis is 70% of the Y axis (standard Unreal Engine 4 implementation). But the third person view of this game is probably throwing your feeling off, if you prefer the standard setting just set the Y value to the same as the X value. It off by default now, not sure it's even possible to turn it on.
  7. The sensitivity is updated! Regarding the pistol, what's the quickest way to get one?
  8. I'll take a look at the game now!
  9. Make sure you are selecting the correct location in the calculator (In-game or Config File). They are very different.
  10. It's not off when the coefficient is 0. 0 means the same as MDV 0%. If you turn USA off and set all aims to 1 in BFV scopes will scale the same as with relative zoom sens 38 in aimtastic.
  11. Updated!
  12. DayZ is updated! Sensitivity is the same, but the FOV type has changed.
  13. To match this behavior in BO4 set ADS Mouse Sensitivity to Relative and Monitor Distance Coefficient to 1. BO4 will then scale all aims exactly like BFV with USA off.
  14. No, switch to config file under location if you're using 0.03
  15. Use the same source for all calculation so it stays consistent. So for BO4 first do hipfire (with your settings): Then switch do scopes and use the previously calculated sensitivity: The monitor size is not used in the sensitivity calculation, so this is not important. But a standard "." should work.
  16. Ok, so your settings doesn't actually line up with any conversion method directly, so you have to convert to other games in two steps. First do hipfire/targeting: Then do the scopes (use the All option and ignore the hipfire and targeting calculation):
  17. What about universal soldier aiming (USA)? If it's on, what value?
  18. Try to set the scope and ADS conversion setup to MDV instead, this keeps the vertical sensitivity the same between the monitors, which is probably better for you since you are converting between different AR's.
  19. Du you have ADS FOV and/or USA on? What's your FOV?
  20. It should do that, because it is based on the FOV and not the distance. MDH 0% means that your tracking speed is equal between different FOV's/aims/scopes. If you prefer the same distance for e.g. hipfire, use the 360 distance method instead. This will not work well for scopes however.
  21. ADS in Fortnite has for most weapons the same FOV as hipfire, so you should in most cases set it to 1 (so the sensitivity is the same).
  22. Nothing wrong with the questions If you use the same sensitivity number for all sights, set the ADS and Scope settings in the calculator to MDH 100%. This is the equivalent to your PUBG settings. Did you set the ADS sensitivity to 56.97 and it was too fast?
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