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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Game looks good, but the mouse input is horrible. Lots of negative acceleration/smoothing.
  2. Added with in-game sensitivity.
  3. DPI Wizard

    Sky Noon

    Added with in-game sensitivity.
  4. If you post your conversion I can say for sure, but probably because your are converting from a game with a different FOV than you have in BFV.
  5. I'll check if something is updated or wrong. Can you post a screenshot of your calculator as well?
  6. Aiming to add this tomorrow!
  7. You generally don't, unless your preference is not in line with the USA setting. Say you prefer high power scopes to be much slower or something.
  8. It's already in there
  9. You have to enter the sensitivity to a dot (.) not a comma (,).
  10. Did you also remove the minus (-) in front of the XFactorAiming value?
  11. These don't match the calculation, it should be: MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit=0.001868 XFactorAiming=0.029069
  12. Probably something in your config file, can you show a screenshot of it?
  13. DPI Wizard


    Another 3D osu!
  14. Another 3D osu! View full update
  15. It is only shown for single aim selections (so it's not shown if you select "All"), and only if the conversion setup is MDH or MDV above 0.
  16. Everything is matched to the FOV of your input, i.e. CS GO hipfire. For the scopes to be 1 they have to be matched to the same FOV as the input, so if you set BFV FOV to 73.74 they will be 1 as expected.
  17. Yes. Either set the FOV in BO4 to 106.26 to match CSGO, or use a Monitor Distance match if 360 distance doesn't feel right.
  18. Personally I prefer 360 distance for hipfire regardless, but I know some prefer MM instead.
  19. That's the drawback of using anything other than 360 distance for hipfire, you get huge differences in speed when the FOV is different. ROE and PUBG are pretty close in FOV so it doesn't affect it as much. Try to switch hipfire to 360 distance and it should feel better.
  20. Have they added it to the game now? As in the actual scope, not just the option in the menus.
  21. This is just a bug in the game and how it handles numbers. The difference is indeed so tiny it's not important
  22. Not using the All option, select the specific scopes. Yes
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