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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. What's your USA setting?
  2. Check out the game notes for instructions on how to set the sensitivity.
  3. Check out the game notes for instructions on how to set the sensitivity.
  4. Added both of these now
  5. Hipfire sensitivity added.
  6. DPI Wizard


    Hipfire sensitivity added.
  7. Sensitivity for the 1964 emulator version of GoldenEye 007 is added!
  8. Sensitivity for the 1964 emulator version of GoldenEye 007 is added!
  9. DPI Wizard


    Games added Payday: The Heist GoldenEye 007 (1964 emulator) Unloved
  10. Pay special attention to Sensitivity 2 being the Aiming FOV.
  11. Pay special attention to Sensitivity 2 being the Aiming FOV.
  12. Done! Pay special attention to the aiming FOV being the sensitivity 2 value
  13. We also offer premium through Kinguin, try there.
  14. The 360 distance is unaffected by FOV, it doesn't mean that the sensitivity will stay the same regardless of FOV. Unless you convert using 360 distance, the sensitivity will change when you change FOV. The conversions are related to the actual FOV, and since this is different for the two games, you get different results depending on how you convert. This is not true, some just get confused by the fact that changing DPI from say 400 to 800 on both sides of the equation does not change the output. But the result correctly stays the same since the relation between the input and output stays the same.
  15. DPI Wizard


    Game added Mavericks
  16. Early version is in, let's hope this game survives development...
  17. DPI Wizard


    Early version is in, let's hope this game survives development...
  18. You can select between in-game and config file sensitivity in the location box. They use different scales, so be sure to select the correct one.
  19. They are supposed to be, having the same 360 for aiming makes them insanely sensitive. Now for certain games the ADS/Targeting FOV is nearly identical to hipfire, so it might make sense to have them the same (which you can do in the Conversion Setup), but having the same 360 for hipfire and say a 4x scope is useless.
  20. For the first one your converting from CSGO with Actual FOV 106.26. That means that everything (hipfire, ads scopes etc) will be matched to this FOV. Your hipfire setup is using 360 distance however, which ignores FOV. For the second one you convert everything from R6 with Actual FOV 121.28. So everything using now will be matched to another FOV than previous, but hipfire stays the same because of your setup. If you use another method for hipfire, say MDH 0% for both conversion, you will get the same numbers in both conversions.
  21. 1. Yes, these are the conversion options under Conversion Setup. 2. DefaultFOV=73.74 in R6 will set the FOV to exactly the same as CSGO.
  22. Done! Added a "Mouse Fix" selection under the special options
  23. Have you set the WPS to 3 in the slider (which would be the 4 (3/11) selection in the calculator), or 3 in the registry?
  24. Haven't had any issues with acceleration in this game myself.
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