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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. It might be in some cases, try to set all these values to 0 in the config file: UseMouseSmooth Smoothness Smoothness_Ironsight MouseAcceleration MouseAccelerationOn
  2. Can you post a screenshot?
  3. The saved inputs are only stored on the server and not in cookies. But the reason you don't see them is because your subscription expired. I see Paypal might be out of sync, so I'll extend your membership and see if it re-syncs.
  4. Confirmed, sensitivity is now 1:1 for the X and Y axis.
  5. You only need to calculate one value, the 50 you see is probably the default value automatically loaded when you select the game. Can you post a screenshot?
  6. In the conversion setup set the Normal conversion to 360 Distance.
  7. DPI Wizard


    Game added Far Cry New Dawn Games updated Anthem - Added Javelin sensitivity.
  8. DPI Wizard


    Game added Metro Exodus
  9. Hipfire and zoom sensitivity added.
  10. Hipfire and zoom sensitivity added.
  11. It was a fix on the beta, but that was only for 1st person. In the release version 1st person doesn't have acceleration anymore.
  12. You have GstInput.MouseSensitivity set to 1 in that calculation. The default value is 40, make sure you either have it set to 1 in the config file, or change it to 40 in the calculator if your config file says 40
  13. Added Javelin aim and zoom! Still huge issues with acceleration and packet loss, but I've got the base sensitivity pretty much spot on. Please report back how the calculations feel (including your sensitivity and DPI) as it might need adjustments because of the acceleration.
  14. It still has issues, but I might be able to add it. Looking into it now.
  15. Updated Anthem calculations.
  16. Is your monitor resolution actually 1280x960?
  17. The code currently won't work with the aims using a multiplier, so the separate entry is just a temporary workaround. When the code is updated all config file entries will have the correct FOV type
  18. Correct BTW, for conversion between different aspect ratios MDV and MDH 0% are different, but when you convert between the same aspect ratio they are the same.
  19. Games use a lot of different methods to express FOV, and the correct method for the game/aim you select is automatically chosen. This means that you can enter the FOV value from the game using the pre-selected method and get the correct calculations. You only want to change type from the default one when you want to convert between games that use different types. Say you want the same FOV in BFV (which use Vdeg) as in Overwatch (which use Hdeg Res), then you do like this: And the output will tell you that you need to configure 70.53 in BFV to get the same FOV.
  20. Ok, the calculator assumes this is the case, so your input is correct. If you were to play with black bars the correct way would be to enter your monitors native resolution. The conversion method is what's throwing you off then. Since you play stretched it means that only the horizontal FOV is stretched, and since you are matching using the vertical FOV you get the same sensitivity (since it's identical for the two games). This will be correct for the vertical movement, but you probably move more horizontally which is why it feels off. I'm guessing Apex fels too slow? Try one of the horizontal methods, they should better fit your setup.
  21. Are you playing CSGO stretched or with black bars?
  22. Thanks, based on the formula I think I know what's changed (it had a weird modifier on the beta) but I'll do some checks and update!
  23. Working in it now, config file seem to be identical to Far Cry 5, but there are some acceleration issues that throws the accuracy off. In-game is definitely different though, it has a different scaling.
  24. The "Config FOV" is always the value you should configure in the game to get the calculated Actual HFOV and VFOV. Note that the in-game FOV in Apex is very inaccurate, set it in the config file for best accuracy. Select the "Config File FOV" hipfire calculation and use the calculator the same way (i.e. set the FOV Type and value to match the game you are converting from).
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