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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Set it up like this instead, this way you use the same scope scaling as Apex use by default: So USA on and set to 0%, FOV set to 74 (to match Apex) and multiplier 1 set to 96. The reason for the last one is because the sensitivity in-game lacks decimals, so it will be a little bit off compared to Apex. And by setting it to 96 all scopes will come out to 100. You will still have about 4% discrepancy for hipfire though, unless you set the sensitivity in the config file instead.
  2. They are definitely built for controllers, it shows everywhere from the lack of sensitivity settings to how you navigate the menus. But those who play with mouse and keyboard are probably (like me) not used to playing with a controller.
  3. I just updated the image, same procedure. Select Legacy under Version.
  4. Just enter the values into the calculator, it's very easy
  5. Just saw this myself, will update to support it. What would be very nice is a sensitivity mod that gives you more granular control.
  6. DPI Wizard


    Game added Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
  7. Just added!
  8. It's not locked, default values are loaded as placeholders that can be overwritten.
  9. Windows 10 1809 Build 17763.379 The hardware is i9-9900K and 2080 TI.
  10. First I need to find a problem I can replicate The tests I'm doing in DOOM are 100% accurate, so there's no room for improvement. I'll try hooking up my test-rig later so I can test with an actual mouse without the human error.
  11. First right then left at different packet sizes and delays but the same total amount of counts. Are you having issues with scripts too, or just with an actual mouse?
  12. Not sure what's causing this but I have zero packet loss and acceleration in DOOM. It's spot on every time
  13. The packet loss in minuscule though, less than 1%. Which Doom?
  14. Cool, will test in them as well. Off the top of my head CSGO doesn't have acceleration with raw input off though, it has packet loss. Meaning it misses whole count packets from the mouse. This this fix solve this as well?
  15. What games?
  16. I wish that was so, but I doubt it works on games with built in acceleration and/or inaccurate count registration? Like Arma 3 or Mass Effect 1 for instance. I'm not able to test now, but will tomorrow.
  17. You will get the same result as the manual method Skidushe suggested, but the calculator does everything for you Xfactor is the ADS/Scope sensitivity, but you actually don't have to change that from what you have today, just change the MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit value as this will affect the ADS/scope too.
  18. What you are measuring is MDH 100% (i.e. matching movement to 100% of the horizontal width of your monitor) But you have the calculator set to MDV 0%, which is practically impossible to actually measure, but you can visualize it (MDH 0% here, but they are the same as long as your aspect ratio is the same):
  19. Technically it's MDV 133% actually. With 16:9 they are the same though. Use MDV 133% for best result, not viewspeed.
  20. That depends on your USA setting in BFV, if it's on and if so what value.
  21. Enter a different DPI for the game you are converting to and this should work.
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