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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. New classic rougelike is added!
  2. Risk of rain 2 will be added next!
  3. This is how you get it, just do the same for Insurgency:
  4. This is correct yes. But to make it easier to config just set Multiplier 2 (Soldier Zoom Aim Sensitivity) to 103, this make all the scopes go to 100 so you don't have to adjust each of them
  5. I just changed the FOV type for BFV in the first screenshot to make it clear what you need to configure The correct method for converting FOV is like in the last screenshot.
  6. That's not possible in R6 unfortunately, ADS and ACOG have completely different scaling that you can't match up.
  7. I thought about this when I made the "All" conversions, which itself is quite complicated to get to work in every scenario. I basically concluded that it wasn't worth it because PUBG would be the only game to utilize it, and it will require quite a lot of work to do it. I might be able to do a special hack that's much faster than coding the whole thing just for PUBG though, so it will only work for that game. The user experience will be exactly the same. I'll take look this weekend!
  8. Yes that looks ok To convert FOV do like this:
  9. Ideally you should use 67.67 so you have the same FOV in both games. It's not absolutely necessary but highly recommended. USA should be on so you automatically match all scopes without setting them individually. I entered 103 into multiplier 2 because all scopes in that particular example was calculated to 103 instead of being 100 like they should. 103 is calculated to compensate for the lack of decimals. So by entering 103 into the multiplier 2 instead all scopes are now 100 so you don't have to set them individually.
  10. Do it like this:
  11. You are correct, decimals from the in-game menu are no longer applied. So to set an accurate sensitivity you now need to calculate both the config file sensitivity and the in-game sensitivity and set them both in the config file.
  12. Correct!
  13. Since you are converting directly from ACOG, both hipfire and scope sensitivity will be calculated based on this. You are better off doing the calculation like this so you use the same scaling for the calculation as you are using on ACOG. FOV 106 is used on Apex to best match the FOV of R6. In the conversion setup MDH 105% is used because this will result in 64 ADS sensitivity as you already have it. In Apex the 3X scope is closest to ACOG, but you can choose any other scope if you prefer others.
  14. DPI Wizard


    Game added Intruder
  15. Intruder is added.
  16. DPI Wizard


    Tactical shooter added, use the console calculation for best accuracy.
  17. Tactical shooter added, use the console calculation for best accuracy.
  18. The scope values are not 1 because of the "lack" of decimals for hipfire. With 8 or maybe 7 decimals it would be 1 as expected. In reality you can disregard this small discrepancy and just use 1 for all scopes as the difference is hardly even measurable. The Config FOV for BFV (70.53) is correct to match 86.63 in Apex.
  19. More info needed, all these values: MouseYawSensitivity= AimDownSightsMouse= MouseSensitivityMultiplierUnit= XFactorAiming= And what scope do you want to convert to and from? I.e. ADS to ADS, ACOG to 3X (closest FOV to ACOG) etc. You can only do one with a perfect match.
  20. After save you need to select Cloud Export and enter your credentials so it syncs to the cloud. Fortnite always reads the file in the cloud and replaces the one on your harddisk with it.
  21. Did you export it to cloud after you saved it?
  22. These two are next in queue.
  23. It's engine related yes, there's a lot of different ways to express FOV and the calculator will automatically switch to the type the game you select uses. If you want the same FOV in all games (which is recommended when possible) you must make sure the Actual HFOV of the output is the same value. You can easily do this by matching the FOV type and value of both games and check the output for the config FOV you need to configure as in this example:
  24. Checked out the FOV mod now, and it adjusts the FOV in steps of 5. So just add up the steps you are using and add or subtract it from the default of 70 and use this as your FOV. So if you are pressing F5 3 times for a wider FOV, your FOV is now 85.
  25. A lot of info in this thread. A shorter quick guide is coming soon.
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