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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Just type fov_cs_debug in the console with no number and it will show you. If it's 0 it's set to the default value of 90.
  2. It's in the calculator (set it in the console) :
  3. Scoping magnified is the sensitivity applied to all scopes if you don't set them all individually. Does you in-game sensitivity match up with your config file values?
  4. Got config file added now (note that it uses both the in-game and the config file sensitivity), and verified the FOV mod. It does not change sensitivity after all, just a bug before the first check point.
  5. I'm on it!
  6. That's probably it, I'll do it later today!
  7. That makes sense. For me the viewmodel changes but the actual FOV stays the same. I'll try to figure out what's going on. Default: 75: 100:
  8. Yes, it changed the sensitivity (quite radically, almost twice the 360 distance with the 100 FOV file) but not the FOV. Tested in single player campaign. I got the game on Uplay btw, don't know if there's any difference.
  9. DPI Wizard


    Game added Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
  10. Another classic is added!
  11. It's different because the configured FOV in CSGO affects the sensitivity (i.e. changing FOV also changes 360 distance). If you tried the same thing with a game like Apex where FOV does not affect sensitivity you would get the same sensitivity:
  12. You have probably the Location set to Config File, where the multiplier is the sensitivity that is calculated. The 50 you see is just the default MouseYawSensitivity. If you haven't touched the config file sensitivity, set the Location to In-game instead
  13. Generation Zero has a lot of mouse smoothing that you can't turn off at the moment, so precise calculations are impossible. It is likely based on the same sensitivity as theHunter: Call of the Wild, but won't be added until smoothing is fixed.
  14. You can't change the CSGO FOV unless you play offline or on a server with cheats enabled, are you doing that?
  15. Here's how you can test: Set the sensitivity to 1.636364. This makes a 360 exactly 10000 counts. Now set the FOV to 1.55 (or 110 in-game). According to your calculations this will make the actual HFOV in 16:9 124.59 degrees. According to the calculator it will be 123.27, so a difference of about 1.3 degrees. Line up something like a pillar at the right edge of your monitor. There is a slight sway so preferable line it up so it barely touches and edge on the left end of the sway: With your calculated FOV the distance in counts to the edge should be 10000/360*124.59/2=1730.4 counts, according to the calculator it should be 10000/360*123.27/2=1712. So this is moving 1712 counts wich perfectly lines up: This is 1730 counts which overshoots: It more complicated than this though, because 360 calculations for ADS and scopes are seemingly a bit more accurate using the FOV from your approach, but the actual FOV seem to be off. I need to do some more testing to see exactly what's going on here.
  16. Config File sensitivity added!
  17. Yes, I'm adding config file sensitivity soon
  18. Just do like this:
  19. The multiplier for Apex is simply x/70 where x is the FOV in Hdeg 4:3. The in-game representation of the FOV is not correct, it's very inaccurate and is showing the wrong value. The correct and applied 4:3 Hdeg FOV is the multiplier value in the config file multiplied by 70. It's been tested, measured and verified. This is also supported by the scope sensitivity calculations, which can only be correct if the base FOV calculation is correct.
  20. I'm actually playing this game right now I don't think setting sensitivity through the file works though, as you might have noticed the MouseSensitivity value is 60 no matter what you set it to in-game. I don't think the value is read/written to the file. Will investigate some to make sure!
  21. DPI Wizard


    Game added Risk of Rain 2
  22. Risk of Rain 2 is in!
  23. DPI Wizard

    Risk of Rain 2

    New classic rougelike is added!
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