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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Another classic is added.
  2. Hipfire 360 distance is unaffected by your configured FOV, but all aims are affected.
  3. Finally had some time, added scope now
  4. Added third person, in-game sensitivity and corrected the FOV calculations
  5. Besides the fact that it's impossible to match them all in the calculator, you have all the data directly from the devs here. They even write: ...The ACOG optics will now move at the same speed as your 1x optics did with our original values (40% slower while ADS) and your 1x optics will now move at a much faster speed than before. In this particular case this player doesn’t mind because they prefer to focus on using an ACOG... The short story is that ACOG has a FOV and sensitivity modifier of 0.35, while ADS has a FOV modifier of 0.9 and a sensitivity modifier of 0.6. So matching them both to hipfire is impossible.
  6. DPI Wizard


    Game added XERA: Survival Games updated Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Adjusted calculations so ADS sensitivity over 83.3333 yields the correct result. Satisfactory - Added instructions on how to disable acceleration
  7. Note that the sensitivity slider in this game is not accurate.
  8. DPI Wizard

    XERA: Survival

    Note that the sensitivity slider in this game is not accurate.
  9. Probably something like this yes. The P4 is what I've used for the calculations, and the way it scales is far from normal. So I'm not surprised other weapons act differently. The Zoom Multiplier also makes little sense, which is why I haven't added support for it yet. There probably is some logic behind it all, but it's quite obscure so it will take time to analyze.
  10. It's probably Satisfactory being a bit buggy, so you will just have to play as it is and hope they fix it
  11. Did some testing now, and it should be enough to add the config line to the top of your Input.ini file: I tried this earlier, but the line disappeared so I didn't think it worked. But I had the value set to True, which is the default value so the game just deleted the line. Set it to False and it should work!
  12. No, looks like you did it correctly. Some other config file must be overriding it on your system. I'll do some digging and see if I can find out what's causing this.
  13. Is your settings like this, or do you have Zoom Multiplier on?
  14. This is stupid haha... We got the "opposite" problem now. Some UE4 game has re-created the generic folder here, and it's actually helping by disabling acceleration. Try creating the folder(s) %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unreal Engine\Engine\Config (make sure to create the "Unreal Engine" folder with a space). Create a file in the Config folder called UserInput.ini. Add to this file: [/Script/Engine.InputSettings] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False Save it and launch the game, and acceleration should be disabled. There's probably some Satisfactory file you can put this into as well, but I'm not sure which one and exactly where yet.
  15. Very strange, just verified that the Satisfactory calculations are correct (it's basically a standard UE4 sensitivity in the config file). Is the in-game sensitivity in Satisfactory 1.7? Can you detect any acceleration, i.e. different 360 distance depending on how fast you move the mouse?
  16. You doing it correctly, so something else is going on here. Do you get ~27cm in Apex with sensitivity 1.9?
  17. Then your calculation is correct
  18. Do you really have the FOV in BF1 configured to 105? That's really wide.
  19. Does the 360 distance change if you change the FOV in the game?
  20. For a direct conversion with FOV do like this, make sure to set the FOV in Kovaak's to correct value (Vertical 31.5):
  21. Matching 360 distance between hipfire and ADS is no problem, but the ADS multiplier (AimDownSightsMouse*XFactorAiming) can not be over 1.666667 as that would make ADS faster than hipfire. So any ADS sensitivity that results in a larger multiplier than this will just use 1.666667 instead. The calculator didn't correct account for this previously, but it does now.
  22. That's really useful, It verifies everything already in the calculator. I will do some updates to make the cut-off for high sensitivity work though.
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