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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. I see what you're saying now, and it's the same case as with ADS where it can't be higher than hipfire 360. But would you ever want to have the ACOG that sensitive? Aiming at something on the screen will with this setting be extremely different than with hipfire and ADS.
  2. No, it's impossible to get them the same in any way since they scale differently. You can get hipfire matched to ADS or hipfire matched to ACOG, but you can never get ACOG matched to ADS since they use the same sensitivity input but have a different FOV and sensitivity scale.
  3. It was a problem with the rounding of the numbers and such exact values. I've adjusted the formula slightly now so it works as long as it is within 0.000001 of the max value. So your numbers from the old calculator works now: But note that just adjusting Multiplier 1 to 0.000001 lower (i.e. 0.176626) will make the calculation impossible since it overshoots the max value.
  4. Yeah, it's an issue with the maximum 360 distance here. I'll take a look at how to make it work better.
  5. Can you post a screenshot of both of them? The only difference between the two should be that the new one correctly maxes ADS sensitivity where it matches the hipfire 360 distance.
  6. If the game supports it yes, just set the conversion setup to MDH 0% for ADS and Scope.
  7. Yes, if the ADS sensitivity is set to 100%, the 360 distance is double.
  8. It's already added. Yeah, the game has terrible input registration unfortunately.
  9. DPI Wizard


    Game added Star Wars Battlefront (Classic, 2004)
  10. What better day to add it than May 4th
  11. The classic Battlefront is added, May the Fourth be with you!
  12. The classic Battlefront is added, May the Fourth be with you!
  13. Yes, use the same value.
  14. Is this for hipfire or ADS/1x/2x etc? Or everything?
  15. @Tyler Huffman That definitely seems a lot wider than 106.26, I will check the FOV calculations. In regards to the actual sensitivity and 360 distance, regardless of the FOV calculations this game is so terribly inconsistent and inaccurate it's hardly worth supporting. I'll make a short video showing exactly why so you know what to expect.
  16. Never had any issues here, raw input is raw. Straight from the mouse driver. If registry settings affects raw input, it means that acceleration would be applied to, and I've never seen that happen. Some Windows releases has had issues with the mouse input, but that should only affect games that do not support raw input.
  17. In-game shows the wrong value. I've tested this extensively to make sure the calculations are correct, see this post for some reference.
  18. Just a small error in the notes, corrected it now.
  19. 1 is MDV 133.3333% while 0.81 is 0%. Technically there is no same sens, you have to choose one method that suits you. 0% seems to be the most preferred option though.
  20. DPI Wizard


    Game added Mordhau
  21. DPI Wizard


    Added with X and Y axis for in-game and config file configuration.
  22. Added with X and Y axis for in-game and config file configuration.
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