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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Straight up mathematically no, negative numbers makes no difference in the actual formula. But a method for making the match even slower with a different formula (i.e. negative) compared to MDH 0% is something that's being considered. It needs to be a sensible mathematical way to do it though.
  2. DPI Wizard


    Game added Blood: Fresh Supply
  3. Blood: Fresh Supply is added!
  4. The Blood remake is in, there is a huge difference between the X and Y axis sensitivity so make sure to calculate them both.
  5. The Blood remake is in, there is a huge difference between the X and Y axis sensitivity so make sure to calculate them both.
  6. Blood coming later today, almost done with it
  7. Correct, the "Sensitivity=" is the displayed sensitivity in-game (not the actually applied sensitivity), while the "LastConvertedSensitivity=" is the actual sensitivity.
  8. You either need to use the "All" conversion that gives you the entire syntax, or calculate each aim both in-game and config file separately to get all the numbers.
  9. It should work in the config file if you do it correctly. Either way, the best you can do in-game is the closes whole number.
  10. My Chinese isn't very good, but if you play with black bars in CSGO you should enter your monitors native resolution for the calculations to be correct.
  11. That method unfortunately doesn't work anymore, using the config file is the only way to get it accurate. Game notes will be updated soon.
  12. This game has a lot of smoothing/acceleration issues so it's not possible to add. Done!
  13. DPI Wizard


    Games added Get Even Call of Juarez Game updated Apex Legends - Changed in-game FOV to multiplier so the FOV calculations are correct. Rust - Updated ADS FOV to be affected by configured FOV.
  14. DPI Wizard

    Get Even

    Just added!
  15. Just added!
  16. DPI Wizard

    Call of Juarez

    Another classic is in!
  17. Another classic is in!
  18. Not quite; For the FOV Type use the default type for the game (Vdeg for R6), but enter a 4:3 resolution like 1920x1440. This is to make sure the FOV calculation for the game is correct. For the game you are converting to just enter the actual resolution and FOV as you have them configured. The only reason to change FOV Type is if you want to convert from another type. Always make sure that the "Config FOV" in the output matches what you have configured in the game.
  19. IIRC this option stretches 4:3 to 16:9. And you need to enter a 4:3 resolution in the calculator for the FOV calculations to be correct.
  20. Thanks, will update it.
  21. The bug is in the game, not the calculator. But i will update the in-game fov to be a multiplier as well so the numbers add up.
  22. Unreal Engine 4 defaults to horizontal being 70% of vertical, so unless the game developers take this into account it will be the case. Most games based on UE4 either have their own X and Y sensitivity or a dedicated Y multiplier to account for this. If they have neither they are either locked to 70% or 100%.
  23. Maybe not obvious, but if you do a 360 calculation matching ACOG to hipfire, this will also indirectly match the 360 distance for ADS since it uses a higher multiplier.
  24. It's a bit difficult to get the calculator to produce this value, since the mathematically correct values would be 100 and xfactor to 0.028571. Any xfactor above that value would not change the sensitivity. But when you input numbers like yours the result is correct now.
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