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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. What mod are you using to set the FOV? I'm not sure if there's been any updates to this game, but the multiplier is/was based on 65 hdeg 4:3.
  2. Your FOV in CSGO is not 68, it's 90. 68 is the render FOV for the weapon
  3. Note that this game has some very minor acceleration issues.
  4. Note that this game has some very minor acceleration issues.
  5. Since the ACOG/ADS 360 distance can't be shorter than the hipfire, this works. While some do, I'm not sure many people prefer ACOG to be the same 360 distance as hipfire though, it makes it extremely sensitive.
  6. Added the aim look option now, the calculation actually was correct before. I.e. vertical should be lower. With 3D aim look on the difference is only 20%.
  7. Fixed that part now, thanks!
  8. Oh probably not, that's why it's weird! I'll add it as a special option.
  9. The camera doesn't tilt like in normal games in Blood, so it behaves and feels quite weird. I measured it to be almost half the speed of horizontal, but I'll do some re-tests.
  10. DPI Wizard


    Game added Rage 2
  11. This game has some minor issues with reports from the mouse being lost resulting in a slight negative acceleration.
  12. DPI Wizard

    Rage 2

    This game has some minor issues with reports from the mouse being lost resulting in a slight negative acceleration.
  13. This is what the other conversion options are for (Monitor Distance and Viewspeed), they match sensitivity based on FOV rather than 360 distance.
  14. You should use these settings (including the FOV for R6) to replicate the 1.0 ADS of CSGO: Note that ACOG and ADS will be different for R6, so you have to choose which one you want to calculate for.
  15. Check the monitor distance video on the front page
  16. Your FOV in CSGO is wrong, it should be 90 unless you play with cheats enabled
  17. Unreal Engine 4 games do this sometimes.
  18. I've got it pre-loaded and ready. It's unfortunately released in the middle of the night here, but I'll add it as soon as I can!
  19. It depends on what axis you want to match. Since stretched will give you a different X and Y sensitivity, chose the one that's most important to you.
  20. Do it like this to convert the 360 distance between the game:
  21. While it's mathematically the same procedure to convert, 3rd person sensitivity can be perceived very differently. If the conversion from 1st to 3rd feels off for you, the best option is actually to have one source for 1st person games conversions, and a different for 3rd person games.
  22. Many Unreal Engine 4 games scale the X sensitivity to 70% of the Y sensitivity, so whenever there's support for different X and Y sensitivity the calculator will fix this issue by giving you the 1:1 sensitivity for both axis.
  23. You should make sure the Actual FOV is the same and that the config FOV matches what you have configured in the game, as games use many different ways of expressing FOV.
  24. WPS 5 must be set in the Windows Registry.
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