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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Seems like it haven't detected your input game, I just did an update so you might have been caught in the middle of it. Try again now.
  2. Did some testing now, and single player FOV is actually the equivalent of 1.27X zoom. Added a dedicated "Hipfire Single Player" aim now
  3. Aim, and use the same FOV in Kovaak's as the aim you want to train (you can see the Actual FOV in the calculator).
  4. I actually haven't tested single player, I'll check it!
  5. BFV is a little bit confusing. The number you configure is vertical degrees, but the FOV you see on the right is horizontal 4:3. If you use the "All" conversion for BFV, the calculator assumes you have the same FOV for vehicles and soldier. If you want to have a specific FOV for vehicles you need to select it as an aim.
  6. You can enter it if you select Scope specifically.
  7. What method are you referring to exactly? It will be the same, but because of the pivot point the actual 100% MDH will be very far away. I.e. if you measure MDH 100% to an object close to you it will be very different.
  8. What issues are you having?
  9. 360 distance will not change, but FOV might depending on the game.
  10. Correct, it's the "X.XXXX inches crosshair movement" and "Y.YYYY inches mouse movement". It used to be (as you can see on the old screenshots) "1 inch = X movement" to give a comparable number, but this caused some confusion since it was the ratio and not the actual 1 inch movement.
  11. You will not see the ratio with MDH 0% because it technically doesn't exist. 0% matches a tracking speed rather than a distance, so it doesn't make sense to express it in terms of a ratio. In regards to first person to third person, if the conversions available doesn't work will for your preference the best way to go about it is to have one source for first person conversion, and another third person game for third person conversions. Mathematically there's no difference between the two, but they can feel very different depending on the game and your preference.
  12. Somethings unfortunately completely broken in this game then, I've tested in every possible way now; script, manually moving the mouse and using a 100% accurate machine to move the mouse. And aside from some slight smoothing issues in Star Citizen the calculation is spot on here. The smoothing issue is that very small movements will not register or be too short (even with smoothing/acceleration set to 0 ofc). It shouldn't affect a normal 360 swipe in any significant degree though. I have currently no idea what might cause local differences here.
  13. FOV 90 and sens 35?
  14. Tested a bit now, and aspect ratio doesn't change anything. Does it feel too slow with the FOV in Star Citizen set to 90 as well?
  15. Thanks! It might me an aspect ratio issue, I'm still testing and will give you an update soon.
  16. What sens and DPI? And hipfire or ADS?
  17. It seems they have doubled the range, so did a quick update now and will test further to increase the accuracy. Do check if the new numbers feel right and report back if you can, there's a lot of variables in this game making it quite hard to calculate
  18. I can see there's been a substantial update to the sensitivity, so working on it now!
  19. It depends, but I prefer it. Try and see how it feels
  20. If you have the same aspect ratio in both games it doesn't matter. It will only make a difference if you convert from say 16:9 to 21:9 etc.
  21. Depends on you preference, of the commonly used ones MDH 0% is the slowest, 100% is the fastest.
  22. It's high because you have a different FOV and use MDV 0% to match the hipfire sensitivity. You can either change the FOV in Apex so it's the same as in CSGO (cl_fovScale "1.285714") or change the conversion setup for Normal to 360 distance.
  23. Looks good assuming you play PUBG in TPP mode and the FOV for Apex is correct.
  24. With minimal it's indeed 1:1 with the same sensitivity for x and y.
  25. For 3d games resolution doesn't matter, you should use the same sens. For 2d (like the desktop and cursor in-game etc) 133% is correct.
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