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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Great! Unless the game somehow messes it up, raw input is definitely always recommended.
  2. The CSGO sensitivity in the first one is 2,4 (two comma four), the comma is not a valid character in the sensitivity. The second one is 2.4 (two dot four) which is correct. I am considering a function that replaces , with . automatically so this doesn't happen
  3. Yes UT4 was 100/70, but in the latest version (4.21) it defaults to 100/100 instead. Calculator is updated to reflect this. The others are 100/100
  4. It does. But Unreal Engine 4 has had some issues lately, it reads generic UE4 files and applies some of the config from them. Check if you have a file called UserInput.ini under the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unreal Engine\Engine\Config. If you do, try to delete it and see if it changes the FOV behavior.
  5. It's using the wrong max value, so the calculation is correct but impossible to set. Working on an update to fix this now. BTW, if you want the same 360 distance for ADS, disable Sens FOV Scale.
  6. FOV is locked for TPP, make sure you select FPP Perspetive if you're playing in first person.
  7. Battalion 1944 is updated for release!
  8. Working on this now.
  9. You are right, the [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput] block is for the original version only. I've updated the info now, thanks!
  10. DPI Wizard


    Games added Life is Feudal: MMO SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell Game updated: Battlefield V: Added Hipfire for single player since it has a different FOV.
  11. Done now, was almost finished with this game already I see
  12. Note that the slider and displayed sensitivity is not 100% accurate.
  13. Note that the slider and displayed sensitivity is not 100% accurate.
  14. Added long ago when it was in beta
  15. What do you mean? As I said if you want to use 1.0 you have to use MDH 0%. They are the same, mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 1 = MDH 0%. It's impossible to use Viewspeed Vertical and get 1.0. It's like asking for 2+2 to be 5
  16. If you want to convert from ADS using 1.0 and Viewspeed vertical you can do this by selecting the specific aim you want to convert from (not the "All" options). But note that 1.0 is exactly the same as MDH 0%, so by using Viewspeed Vertical you will have a bit of inconsistency.
  17. 1.0 is MDH 0%. You can either use MDH 0% and set it to 1, or use Viewspeed Vertical and set it to 1.159169. You can't mix the two as they are mutually exclusive.
  18. Then mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 should be 1.159169
  19. When you use the "All" conversion the ADS sensitivity will be calculated for you based on you settings. Set the ADS and Scope conversion setup to MDH 0% to match your settings of "1".
  20. Not sure if it's possible then, but the smoothing isn't particular bad anymore, just a very small amount of it.
  21. Rage 2 drops a lot of reports from the mouse resulting in a sort of negative acceleration and slightly longer distances than calculated if you move the mouse slowly. You'll see that if you move the mouse extremely slow the crosshair sometimes don't move at all. The faster you move the more accurate it is. The FOV configured should be the FOV actually applied (i.e. 106 means 106 hdeg res). Are you playing in 16:9?
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