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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Then it's matched to hipfire using MDH 75%. You likely do not want it to have the same 360 distance, as that will make it very sensitive. You should do the conversion like this if you want to keep the zoom sensitivity from CSGO:
  2. The monitor size does not have any effect on your sensitivity, so it's likely just seem different because of the size increase.
  3. What's your zoom sens in CSGO?
  4. What is your conversion setup for 2D in the calculator? MDH 100% is usually recommended.
  5. This is correct for UE4 games that scale Y axis to 70% of X indeed.
  6. It goes in the %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\local\settings.cfg file.
  7. It's most definitely possible 90 in Apex is in theory the same as 90 in CSGO, but the in-game value in Apex is slightly off. To calculate the exact FOV you need to configure in Apex do like this for the config file FOV which is the most accurate:
  8. Just checked in singleplayer now, and it's spot on still actually. Is the sensitivity different in multiplayer? I can't find a game to join so I can test. Also, what are your sensitivity values and real vs. calculated distance?
  9. You don't need to enter scope sensitivity or select each aim when using the "All" option. With this the scopes and aims are automatically calculated based on the conversion setup. So your conversion would look like this:
  10. Use the same FOV in Apex as in OW, then the conversion method doesn't matter. Set cl_fovScale to 1.237600.
  11. Your subscription was still active on Paypal. It's been refunded now and I see you have properly canceled it.
  12. What's the quickest way to get the weapon?
  13. I see now thanks! The issue is that the calculation is out of range, but it's not displayed. If you switch to In-game sensitivity for Deathgarden you will see the correct error messages. I'll see if I can fix this.
  14. Not exactly, the scaling itself is locked, but you can get one ADS and the scope to MDH 0%. Then the other ADS will be slightly off compared to 0%.
  15. Do like this and replace the resolution and DPI with your own values. Pay attention to the conversion setup for ADS and Scope as they are important to replicate your zoom sens of 1:
  16. DPI Wizard


    Game added New Frontier
  17. DPI Wizard

    New Frontier

    Wild West game is added!
  18. Wild West game is added!
  19. By changing m_yaw you will keep a 1:1 sensitivity of the horizontal and vertical axis when stretching 4:3 to 16:9. So if playing stretched this is recommended.
  20. No, 105 is max even if set in the console. Correct, impossible to replicate this. Without FOV Scaling all scopes and aims will have the same 360 distance regardless of their FOV. With FOV Scaling they will scale to MDH 100%.
  21. Just verified it now, it's still spot on according to the calculations. Could it be something like your mouse driver changing profile and DPI if you have a mouse that supports that?
  22. I doubt it, but I'll check to be sure now. Is your in-game sensitivity showing the correct value (i.e. 2.5)?
  23. It's working here, can you show me a screenshot of the entire calculator? There's probably a particular setting I need to fix. I'll check the vertical sensitivity.
  24. ADS and ACOG in R6 use the same sensitivity but scale completely different to each other. So you can only calculate sensitivity for one of them, while the other one will just have to be what it is with the settings you get. Your conversion is correct except for the FOV in Apex. If you have it set to 104 in-game, set the FOV Type to Multi instead and enter 104. The difference is barely anything, but if you want it to be perfect, that will show you the exact FOV.
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