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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Just added!
  2. Updated
  3. MouseYawSensitivity and MousePitchSensitivity only supports whole values, not decimals. Just leave the MouseSensitivity to the default 1, it doesn't do anything.
  4. Just enter a 16:10 resolution (like 2560x1600 or 1900x1200) so the FOV calculations are correct.
  5. Everything is matched to the hipfire of your input game. This is so you keep consistency for games that have different FOV for hipfire etc. So when you change to an input game with a different FOV, you will get a different result.
  6. You are probably doing something wrong, can you show me a screenshot?
  7. Was a pretty quick fix with how the code works now, give it a try
  8. Sorry, this game still has so much acceleration and smoothing it's not even remotely accurate. You'll easily get a 50% or more difference by just adjusting the timing or count size sent to the game.
  9. This is actually one of the first features I started working on many years ago, but I ran into some issues and kinda put it on hold for a while when the core of the calculator was being developed. Should be a lot easier to implement now however so I'll get back on it!
  10. Added as config file sensitivity for the game now
  11. This is correct!
  12. Sorted it out now.
  13. Technically no, but it can be perceived differently as you are experiencing. I would think several months should be enough to settle in though.
  14. Found the difference now and added Multiplayer as a special option
  15. Set your conversion setup to MDH 100% instead of 0%. 0% is the slowest matching method.
  16. Just enter your FOV value into the field. The default FOV is loaded as a placeholder you can overwrite.
  17. Not sure what's best, but you can change it yourself here
  18. Yes, the ADS FOV isn't necessarily the same, and the calculation I did for you is using MDV 177.78% as matching method which means that the FOV is taken into account. This means that your aim based on what you see on your monitor will be the same, but the 360 distance will be different.
  19. That doesn't change anything in this calculation
  20. It is the same, but depending on your conversion setup you will also need to match the FOV exactly.
  21. I would recommend setting cl_fovScale to 1.497455 so it exactly matches BO4. Other than that do like this, and select the "All w/ XXX" depending on what scope you want perfect. You can only choose one as they all share setting and scale differently than you preference. MDV is set to 177.78%.
  22. There's two on the front page, albeit a little bit outdated. The principles still applies though.
  23. Then it's probably locked to 16:9, and for 21:9 it just adds on the extra width. I'll take another look at it.
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