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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. That's 69% in-game, not 39. Check your value in-game again, or set this value to 0.19615838 and save the file when the game is closed, then start it again.
  2. Check the file, %APPDATA%\.minecraft\options.txt The "mouseSensitivity:" value is what your looking for.
  3. I just checked the game now, and nothing has actually changed so the calculations are still spot on. Vsync ON causes some discrepancies though, but not much. What is you sensitivity in the config file?
  4. Is it off by much or just a tiny bit? They might have updated the sensitivity lately so it needs to be analyzed again.
  5. What version of Minecraft are you playing? Java or Bedrock?
  6. Correct, matching the Actual HFOV/VFOV is one way to get the same FOV in both games. The recommended way however is to select the same FOV Type for the game you are converting to as the game you are converting from uses by default, and enter the same value. This is the most accurate way and works unless the game you are converting from uses a multiplier.
  7. Yes, this calculation assumes the configured FOV in R6 is 58.72.
  8. If you want to practice this iron sight setting in CSGO, you must have cheats enabled and set the config FOV in CSGO to "fov_cs_debug 67.05". So for the calculations to be correct it's important that sv_cheats is set to 1 and this FOV is applied. If you play on regular CSGO FOV set the FOV in the calculator to the default Hdeg 4:3 90.
  9. The calculation is correct, but remember that CSGO does not allow you to change FOV unless you also have "sv_cheats 1" active, i.e. cheats enabled. This only work offline or on servers with this enabled. Without this changing the FOV variable will do nothing. Also note that the zoom sensitivity affect FOV changes, so if it's set to a different value than 1 it will be different than the calculation shows.
  10. Added, it's basically the same as EDF 4.1.
  11. This game has some issues with double-registration of packets from the mouse resulting in a variable acceleration.
  12. This game has some issues with double-registration of packets from the mouse resulting in a variable acceleration.
  13. Impossible to add due to acceleration. See this thread.
  14. Well to be honest it's my own fault for not making sure all the info is collected in one spot where it's easy to maintain and easy to find. I'm working on it though
  15. You need both the resolution and FOV Type to calculate the actual FOV. Resolution is also crucial in certain games that change the FOV scaling based on aspect ratio (like Fortnite and PUBG).
  16. With cheats enabled I do not mean that the player is hacking or cheating, it's literally the command "sv_cheats 1" built into the game. This enables you to change FOV offline or on a server with it enabled, and a lot of people use CSGO as a trainer for other games where they play offline or on a server with "sv_cheats 1" just to mimic the FOV of another game.
  17. The FOV is locked for a lot of aims where it is impossible to change it, like PUBG 3rd person view. But for CSGO you can actually change FOV (with cheats enabled), so it would not be wise to lock it to 90 in the calculator. And as long as you type 90 (without changing the FOV Type) or leave it at the default loaded placeholder value which is also 90, it will be correct regardless of your resolution.
  18. Absolutely agree, and I'm working on more comprehensive instructions now that will cover every aspect of the calculator in detail. Right now the information is definitely spread out too much. There is the simple version of the calculator though, that removes the FOV Type option completely and assumes you enter the FOV as configured in the game and that's it.
  19. While they have the same base sensitivity, they scale differently to the configured FOV. That's why the results are different. Counter-Strike: Source will have the same 360 distance regardless of FOV (i.e. unaffected by FOV), while CSGO will have a different 360 distance when you change FOV (affected by FOV).
  20. The calculator will always default to the correct FOV Type for the game you select. So you have to make sure that the Config FOV in the output matches you setting in the game. If the CSGO output says "fov_cs_debug 73.74" but it is actually set to 90 the calculations will be off. If you want the same FOV in two games, simply match the FOV Types and check the output for the Config FOV to achieve this FOV. FOV Type is a way to express FOV, it's not related to your aspect ratio or resolution. When you set the FOV Type to "Hdeg 16:9" and enter 90, you are telling the calculator that you want the 16:9 portion of the aspect ratio to be 90 degrees. For CSGO this means that you have to set the fov_cs_debug to 73.74 (with cheats enabled). When it comes to Apex and CSGO sensitivity being the same when their FOV is set to the default, it's irrelevant as far as the calculation goes. If you want to use a different FOV, the correct sensitivity will be calculated based on this. The fact that they are the same at one point doesn't really matter.
  21. The sensitivity is only the same if the configured FOV (hdeg 4:3) is 90, not any other value
  22. Updated, also added shark just for clarity.
  23. I prefer the tracking speed to be constant between aims, rather than flicks.
  24. Looks identical to mine. Try this script with the Logitech software and see if it turns exactly 360 degrees when executed. It will bind to the back side button. function OnEvent(event, arg) if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 4) and GetMKeyState() == 3 then for i = 0, 32 do MoveMouseRelative(119,0) Sleep(10) end end end
  25. I mean that while ADS in most games barely zooms in (say it goes from FOV 55 to 50), others might go from 55 to for instance 40. So even though it's still technically ADS it zooms much more.
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