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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. The screenshot in your first post is actually correct. There is a slight difference in FOV, but it's very small in your case so it shouldn't matter.
  2. The ADS sensitivity in Titanfall 2 is not a multiplier of the hipfire sensitivity, but its own sensitivity. Also the ADS sensitivity scaling locked to 70, so any other FOV will result in a slightly different sensitivity than MDH 0% for hipfire. The FOV shown in-game in Apex is not the actual FOV, but is slightly off due to some lazy coding. So in the calculator it's shown as a multiplier by default, so when you enter the FOV value from the game, the actual FOV will be shown in the output.
  3. The game is currently very poorly optimized and have smoothing on, so while the calculations are correct the experience will vary.
  4. It's ADS. You can see it in the output and game info section. Vertical should be set to the same as horizontal for a 1:1 match.
  5. DPI Wizard


    Game added Goat of Duty Game updated Insurgency: Sandstorm - Corrected wrong FOV scaling for 1.0X scope.
  6. That's all you have to do yes, make sure the all the settings match your MW config though (ADS Field of View., ADS Mouse Sensitivity and FOV). The monitor distance option is only available for Advanced Mode. Simple Mode will use 360 distance for hipfire calculations.
  7. This kind of control can't be added unfortunately.
  8. No, AFAIK they removed it shortly after release.
  9. DPI Wizard

    Goat of Duty

    Yes, another goat game.
  10. Yes, another goat game.
  11. Good catch, the 1.0X used the wrong FOV Type in the calculation (hdeg instead of hdeg 4:3). This caused the anomaly where it scaled wrong with resolution. It is fixed now
  12. Check the FAQ for instructions
  13. DPI Wizard


    Games added Postal 4: No Regerts Wasted
  14. In-game and config file sensitivity added.
  15. In-game and config file sensitivity added.
  16. DPI Wizard


    Get wasted!
  17. Get wasted!
  18. The config files are at %LOCALAPPDATA%\ShadowTrackerExtra\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor, but only the in-game values have been verified to match the full PUBG version so far.
  19. The calculator will always try to match horizontal and vertical 1:1 since this is what most games use. Since you have all the setting sin PUBG to the same value, this is MDH 100% in the conversion setup, so use that. FOV is locked in Fortnite yes.
  20. Just tested it now, and it's the same
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