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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. When you say same FOV, do you mean the same value? Or the same actual FOV? This game uses a different FOV Type in-game and in the config file. So if you just type in the same value without changing the FOV Type it will be wrong.
  2. DPI Wizard


    Games added Hover Fantasy Versus Games updated Quake Champions - Updated zoom sensitivity. Hell Let Loose - Added support for adjustable FOV.
  3. DPI Wizard


    Parkour game is in!
  4. Parkour game is in!
  5. It's not a sensitivity 2, it's independent of your hipfire sensitivity. You can see in the output that you have both hipfire and ADS when selecting "All", and that the sensitivity name changes when you select ADS.
  6. Added.
  7. This, set your DPI for Breakpoint to 400.
  8. Fixed.
  9. Added support for adjustable FOV. ADS is already in the calculator
  10. Still terrible unfortunately, I don't know how they manage to mess up sensitivity with the Frostbite 3 engine!
  11. Updated! Thankfully the game now uses MDH 0% with auto-scale zoom sens on. Also added an option to turn it off.
  12. What exactly do you mean, can you show a screenshot?
  13. More than 1 will be faster of course, but it your sensitivity is for instance 5, you wouldn't set the scope also to 5 as that would make it extremely fast.
  14. The scope sensitivity is a multiplier, not a sensitivity value. At 1 it will match the scope to your hipfire using MDH 0%.
  15. If you have the scope and ADS conversions set to MDH 0% they will all show the same sensitivity since that's how the game scales the scopes
  16. I'll check the FOV's tomorrow and see if anything changed. Looking back at the original analysis, it's pretty obvious when graphed that it had one scaling for <100 to 110, one for 110-130 and a final one for 130+. I found 59% MDH to be the best average, but can't quite recall if I analyzed each step of the scaling.
  17. For reference, this is what the Quake Champions zoom sensitivity looks like (or at least used to look like). The orange line is a regular MDH scaling closest to what the game does, while the blue line is how the game actually scales. (FOV on the bottom, counts on the left)
  18. Quake Champions zoom sensitivity has always been off compared to a regular mathematical scale. So I need to (painstakingly) analyze this and see exactly what it does. It might be as simple as your suggestion though, but I'll check it to be sure and add it as a Special Option to the game.
  19. It's not wrong, Apex doesn't really use a set FOV Type in-game or in the config file. It's intended to use 4:3 in-game, but it's slightly off due to lazy coding as previously mentioned. When the FOV Type is set to multiplier it means that the value you put in must go through some kind of mathematical formula to calculate the actual FOV (which is important to the calculation). So Apex use Hdeg 4:3 as the base, but both in-game and config file values must go through a formula. BO4 uses Hdeg 16:9, which means the configured FOV is for 16:9 aspect ratio, any other ratio will have the FOV calculated based on this.
  20. Hdeg 4:3 is simply the measurement method used by the game. This means that the FOV you configure is for the 4:3 portion of your resolution. If you play on 16:9, the extra width will be added on effectively expanding your FOV to almost 112 degrees. If it instead was Hdeg Res, then it would be 96 degrees for both aspect ratios. So as in the example image here, the red part (4:3) is what you configure in Apex. If you don't play in 4:3, the extra green (for 16:10) or blue (for 16:9) will be added on.
  21. The calculator always switches to the correct FOV Type for the game and location you have selected. Apex uses a completely different FOV in-game and in the config file, so you when you switch location, you also have to enter the value from that location. So if you want a FOV of 96 Hdeg 4:3, but configure it in the config file you need to set the FOV Type to Hdeg 4:3 and enter 96, then check the output for the correct cl_fovScale to get this exact FOV.
  22. You are entering 96 FOV for Apex as a multiplier, that's wrong. Switch the FOV Type to Hdeg 4:3, then enter 96. This will give you the correct cl_fovScale and fix both your problems Or switch the Location for Apex to In-game if you don't want to mess with the config file. Then enter 96 as a multiplier.
  23. You should be able to choose all FOV Types for Apex, but in Titanfall "Multi" will be grayed out since it's only a valid option for games that actually uses a multiplier. And yes, only switch types if you want to convert.
  24. Titanfall 2: Sens: 2.4 Zoom sens: 2.173507 FOV: 96 The FOV Type will automatically switch to the type the game uses when you select a game. They are different ways of expressing FOV, so you only need to change the FOV Type if you want to convert from one type to another. The output will show you what to configure to get the desired FOV. As in this example:
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