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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/faq/
  2. Actually setting the deadzone and acceleration on the controller setup all the way down seems to solve some of the mouse issues. I'll do some analysis and see if it can be added by doing this.
  3. I think you're right unfortunately. Even though the game apparently supports raw input, the game doesn't register the counts properly. It's another example of mouse movement being registered as analogue stick input...
  4. You need to enter the main camera sensitivity from Roblox.
  5. Setting the coefficient in MW to 1 (and multipliers to 1) is the same as BF1 with USA off. Setting the coefficient to 0 is the same as MDH 0% and will make the tracking speed across all aims the same. For both ADS and scope.
  6. For the same as BF1 with USA off set it to 1. ADS and hipfire can't be same sensitivity though, since they have different FOV. You have to choose either same 360 distance, same tracking speed (MDH 0%) or same flick distance (MDH X%).
  7. Yes, and change location for R6 to In-game instead of config file.
  8. The calculator is set to MDH 0%, which is exactly the same as Coefficient 0 in MW. So as long as you have the same FOV in both R6 and MW, the calculation won't change. But you have ADS sens in R6 set to 84, which probably means you want it to be the same 360 distance as hipfire. Have you only set the sensitivity in-game, or in the config file as well?
  9. Just tested and it still works here. Try making the file read-only if the changes are overwritten.
  10. Make the file read-only
  11. That makes sense, I've set the default FOV to 90 now. Yes, and I almost have one ready actually. You can see a manual test of it here (this link will only work for you) where you select a game and a sensitivity, and whenever you change game the sensitivity will be calculated. There are a few issues however. This example is using all default values (FOV, aspect ratio, multipliers, Windows Pointer Speed etc). This will make a lot of conversion invalid depending on what settings the user actually have. So ideally any conversion will need all the fields in the calculator (except monitor size) to be accurate, but then it gets very complicated. So it's not easy to find a good and user-friendly solution to this.
  12. Mine defaulted to 87.3376 for some reason, strange.
  13. It uses at least 6, more than that is not really necessary.
  14. A new rhythm aim trainer is added. View full update
  15. DPI Wizard

    Beat Aim

    A new rhythm aim trainer is added.
  16. The config file for the enhanced edition is located at %LOCALAPPDATA%\SpaceHulkEnhanced\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
  17. It means that the FOV value is what the FOV is for a 4:3 aspect ratio. When your aspect ratio is wider, the additional width is added on, resulting in an actual FOV of 106.25 for 16:9.
  18. Like this one, and check the calculations for "Config FOV" to see what you should set the FOV to in the game.
  19. I'm not quite sure what you mean. The "All" conversion uses 3.25X and holo (for high and low zoom), while all other aims are available for manual conversion (where you need to provide the hipfire sensitivity).
  20. Yes, but note that 360 distance is generally not recommended for scopes. They will usually be way to sensitive since the FOV is so different.
  21. This is correct since the FOV is different and the calculator is set to MDH 0% (which matches tracking speed and not 360 distance). You can match them by 360 distance instead by selecting 360 Distance for ADS in the conversion setup.
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