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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. DPI Wizard


    Game added Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Game updated Warframe - Fixed FOV scaling.
  2. In-game sensitivity added.
  3. In-game sensitivity added.
  4. Thanks for reporting! There was a bug indeed, the FOV scaled incorrectly. Updated it now to be correct, but do note that you will get a quite large discrepancy due to the lack of decimals in Warframe.
  5. It does look close at least. I'll see if I can get in on the beta.
  6. You can post it here and I can make an educated guess, but without hands-on analysis it's almost impossible to know for sure.
  7. setcl 1959281112
  8. This one?
  9. Since RDR2 only has 20 sensitivity steps you are most likely getting a calculation with a huge discrepancy. So it's limited by the lack of sensitivity precision in the game, and when you convert back the value will be wrong since it's based on a sensitivity with discrepancy. All calculations are accurate, but in addition to the lack of precision the game has issues with smoothing and treating mouse input as an analog stick.
  10. Use the arrow keys to adjust it, start from an empty bar which is 0, each click with the arrow keys is one multiplier. The default is 5 (bar half full) and the max is 10.
  11. First do like this to get your hipfire sensitivity (use your own resolution and DPI): Then convert from ADS to ADS using the calculated hipfire sens: And if you'd like ACOG to be the base for your scopes, also do this: But note that this will result in very fast scopes since ACOG and ADS in R6 does not scale the same. If they're too fast, use R6 ADS as source instead.
  12. DPI Wizard


    Calculator updates Fixed bug where FOV and FOV Type would reset when selecting aims. Game updates Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) - Added marksman rifle calculations. Payday 2 - Updated in-game sensitivity to support numbers and FOV steps, and added vertical calculations.
  13. Should be fixed now, give it a test
  14. What is you sensitivity and FOV settings in siege, and do you prefer ADS or ACOG for aim?
  15. The first part is intentional and necessary. When you change FOV Type the value in the FOV field is automatically converted to that type. This way the field both works as a FOV calculator, and the calculations stay the same. This is useful if you wonder what your current Hdeg 16:9 FOV is in i.e. Hdeg 4:3. The second part is a bug however, and should be not to hard to fix!
  16. The config file still doesn't support decimals, so it's no point adding it.
  17. It should do this as long as the selections you do don't change the FOV Type. But I know there are some bugs where it resets anyway. What selections are you doing when this happens?
  18. Just looked at the data now, about 80% do ADS, 20% do ACOG.
  19. The "All" options will calculate both your hipfire and aim sensitivity simultaneously so you don't have to do it in several steps. Since R6 uses the same sensitivity for ADS and ACOG while their scaling is completely different form each other, you can only calculate sensitivity for one of them and the other will be wrong. That's why you have two "All" options, one that calculates for ADS and one for ACOG.
  20. It results in the same hipfire I see now actually, so if that's a bit high for you 75% might be a better option.
  21. It's only slower when converting from hipfire to ADS/Scope (i.e. from wide FOV to narrow FOV). When you convert the other way it's opposite. MDH 49% should be perfect for you.
  22. CoD being CoD, BO4 is slightly different for some reason.
  23. No, they're slightly different. Added them now. Holo is same for all guns, clarified this in the aim list.
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