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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. DPI Wizard


    Note that the sensitivity slider is not accurate and the zoom sensitivity has a low range.
  2. Note that the sensitivity slider is not accurate and the zoom sensitivity has a low range.
  3. Done
  4. Yes. As I said above, to make the calculations correct for your entire monitor. For example if you convert using MDH 75% you want this: Not this:
  5. This would be correct for stretch. This is all covered in the instructions btw, under resolution.
  6. If you play all your games with black bar at the same aspect ratio you don't need to account for this. However if you play some with black bars and others in the full aspect ratio of the monitor you need to account for the black bars in the calculation. For instance converting MDH 100% from full aspect ratio to black bars. If you want to keep a consistent movement on the monitor you would not convert the movement to edge of the full aspect ratio to the movement to the edge of the black bar (where the image ends). You still want to convert the movement to the edge of the monitor, which means accounting for the black bars. When stretching the horizontal FOV takes up the entire monitor, so the calculations will be correct although vertical sensitivity will be different. As an example, CSGO with black bars should use the monitor resolution because the only thing that changes is that the game replaces some of the image on the edges with black bars. Everything basically stays the same, you just see less: However when you stretch you have an FOV of 90 covering the whole monitor, so you need to enter the resolution you play with, and calculate a new sensitivity (if not using 360 distance, which will stay the same regardless):
  7. What's the issue? screenshot?
  8. ADS sensitivity = XFactorAiming*AimDownSightsMouse. Neither affects hipfire, and the only practical difference between the values is that xfactor has a higher accuracy due to the decimal support.
  9. This game can't be added due to how the sensitivity works with the mech.
  10. Unfortunately this game can't be added due to how the sensitivity works with the mech.
  11. Updated R6 calculations now to do all scopes simultaneously and support for in-game ADS when selecting config file. The Xfactor will not be calculated as it isn't necessary. You can use basically any value that doesn't throw the ADS sensitivity out of range.
  12. EU. No issues with 1000hz polling rate with it on.
  13. Sure, it just switches what value is calculated. I think I'll also mash all ads/scope calculations into one so it's quicker to do.
  14. No actual changes in the sensitivity in the game other than it being consistent and easier to measure now. The old one is probably only by a few counts so it's hardly even measurable, but now I should be able to get it perfect. I'll check the polling rate also.
  15. I'm still having the issue as shown in the before video. Stutters and is really inconsistent. I've tried disabling origin in the game and enabling Direct 3D11 without any effect. Maybe the patch is delayed here, I'll check again tomorrow!
  16. Fixed the FOV now as it Hdeg 16:9 and not Hdeg Res. Sensitivity also need a slight update now that it works much better than at release.
  17. This is not an issue with going from 1080p to 1440p, but going from 16:9 to 21:9. When you match using MDV 0% the sensitivity will be the same since the vertical FOV is the same on both monitors. However when you use MDH 0% the sensitivity will be different because your horizontal FOV is much wider.
  18. There is no best way, everyone is different have have different preferences. If there was just one way the calculator would have been a lot simpler You should try both, one of them will probably feel wrong to you. So stick with the other one.
  19. Config file seem to not work properly indeed, so I removed it for now.
  20. It's slow when converting from high FOV to low FOV like from hipfire to scope. But for hipfire to hipfire in your case you're going from low FOV (90) to high FOV (111.31), then it will be opposite.
  21. This is correct. You will get a sensitivity that is not consistent with anything doing this, doing one or the other is better for consistency.
  22. Just select Hdeg 16:9 and enter 90 for Halo as well, then see the output for the config FOV.
  23. You can see the matching method in the conversion setup. Win/2D is the one used for Windows. The regedit should be applied instantly without need for reboot.
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